Marinos Themistocleous
3 February 2024 2024-02-03 22:59Marinos Themistocleous
Marinos Themistocleous

Fullname: Marinos Themistocleous
Title: Professor
Department: –
Office: –
Marinos Themistocleous is a Professor at the Department of Digital Systems at University of Piraeus, Greece. He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science, a Postgraduate Degree in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, a M.Sc. in Information Systems Management and Ph.D. in Informatics. Before joining University of Piraeus, he worked as a Lecturer and a Senior Lecturer at Brunel University, UK. He has close relationships with industry and has worked as a consultant for the Greek Ministry of Finance, the Greek Standardization body, the Greek Federation of SMEs, the Bank of Greece, ORACLE UK, Havering Council, etc. He has authored several teaching textbooks, internationally refereed journal papers and conference articles and has received many citations and awards of excellence. His research has attracted funding from various funding bodies. He acts as an international reviewer for research proposals submitted to the European Union and other funding bodies. His current research interests include Information Systems, Information Systems Management, Service-Oriented Architectures, e-business and Net-Centric Information Systems.
Publications 2010 – 2015
- Mantzana, V.M Themistocleous, M., Morabito, V. 2010. ‘Healthcare IS and Older Employees Training’ Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 23(6): 680-693.
- Morabito, V., Themistocleous, M., Serrano, A., 2010. ‘A Survey on Integrated IS and Competitive Advantage’ Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 23(2):201-214.
- Tsaravas, C.. Themistocleous, M. 2011, ‘Cloud Computing and eGovernmen: A Literature Review’, In the Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean and Middle East Conference on Information Systems 2011 (EMCIS2011) Athens, Greece, May 30-31 2011.
- Koumaditis, K. Themistocleous, M. Byrne, P. Ross, D. Cromie, S. Corrigan, S. 2011, ‘Investigating Human Factors in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries’, In the Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean and Middle East Conference on Information Systems 2011 (EMCIS2011) Athens, Greece, May 30-31 2011.
- Koumaditis, K. Themistocleous, M. 2011, ‘The Importance of SOA Governance in HIS Integration: A Literature Review’, In the Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean and Middle East Conference on Information Systems 2011 (EMCIS2011) Athens, Greece, May 30-31 2011.
- Tsaravas, H. Themistocleous, M. 2011, ‘Cloud Computing & E-Government: Myth or Reality?’, Transforming Government Workshop 2011 London, UK, [CD Proceedings], March 17-18, 2011.
- Mantzana, V. Koumaditis, K. Themistocleous, M. 2011, ‘Healthcare IS Interoperability: Challenges and Solutions’, In the Proceedings of International Conference of Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2011), Rome, Italy, January 26-29 2011.
- Soja, P. Themistocleous, M., Rupino, P., 2011, ‘Playing Catch up: How Different is Large Scale Enterprise Systems Implementation in Transition Countries and Organizations?’ In Sprague, R. J. (Eds), Proceedings of Forty fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (Hicss 40), Kauai Island, Hawaii, USA, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, USA., [CD-Proceedings]. January 4-7.
- Mantzana, V. Themistocleous, M. Koumaditis, K. 2010, ‘Is SOA a solution to Healthcare Information Systems Interoperability?’ In the proceedings of the tenth IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2010), Corfu, Greece, November 2010.
- Ferreira, C. Rupino, P. Melo, P. Themistocleous, M. 2010, ‘Semantics Take the SOA Registry to the Next Level: an Empirical Study in a Telecom Company’, In the proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010.
- Themistocleous, M. Koumaditis, K. Mantzana, V. Morabito, V. 2010, ‘An Empirical Study on Older Employees Training on ICT’ In the Proceedings of the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2010 (EMCIS2010) Abu Dhabi UAE, April 12-13 2010.
- Themistocleous M., Mantzana, V., 2010, ‘Web Services and SOA’, In Press.
Themistocleous M., Mantzana, V., Web Services and SOA, 2010, 354, ISBN: 9789609323819