Nikolaos Phillipas

Nikolaos Philippas


Full Name: Nikolaos Philippas

Role: Professor

Department: Business Administration

Office: 409/Main Building


Phone/Fax: +30 210 4142252

Webpage: Link

Professor Philippas has numerous publications in almost all Greek Economic Journals and the relative Financial Press. His academic and professional research is published in global academic journals, such as International Review of Financial Analysis, Multinational Finance Journal, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, European Journal of Finance, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Applied Mathematics & Computation, Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics, Applied Financial Economics Letters, Applied Economics Letters, Managerial and Decision Economics, International Review of Economics and Business, Journal of Applied Business Research, Research in International Business and Finance, Economics Bulletin etc.

One of his publications titled: “Estimation of Price Parameters: Bank Stock Price and the Variance Components Model”, (Applied Economics, 1988) is included in the collection of the most appreciable articles in the field of Finance. This collection was edited by the Professor R. Brealey (Bibliography of Finance, 1991, MIT Press).

Additionally, two published papers (Applied Economics, 1988 και Managerial and Decision Economics, 1993) are included in the collection of the most important scientific contributions in the area of Economics and Finance, concerning the Greek Financial Market. This collection was edited by Dr. G. Tsetsekos (Economic and Finance Research related to Greece: 44 Years of Academic Contributions, Drexel University, July 1998 ).

Apart from this, his recent paper titled “Chasing trend and losing money: Open end mutual fund investor’s trading in Greece” was rewarded by the University Piraeus for his contribution in the progress and promotion of the institution.

His research interests are in the broad domain of Equity Investments, Financial Analysis, Financial Markets, Mutual Funds, Wealth Management, Pension Fund Management, Financial Planning and Behavioral Finance. He has published five books. Specifically, his books “Mutual Funds and Financial Markets” (1999) and “Investments” (2005) are out of print. His most recent book is “Mutual Funds” (2010).

Dr. Philippas has also presented his work at International Academic Conferences and has a long teaching, as well as, market experience in the Greek Capital and Money Market as executive of Mutual Fund Management Companies, Investment Services Firms etc. From June 2005 to September 2008 he was member of the European Investment Bank Audit Committee (EIB) and from September 2004 to July 2009 he was member of the Board of Directors of Piraeus Port Authority. From April 1st 2013, Mr. Philippas has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE).

He has worked with companies such as E.T.B.A, Allianz, Helvetia, Intertrust, Eurobank, Alpha Bank and the Hellenic Banking Association, giving lectures about Financial Planning, Stock Market Investments Analysis and Mutual Funds.

  1. Quantitative Methods in Finance (6th semester)
  2. Mutual Funds and Institutional Investors (Elective)
  3. Behavioral Finance (Elective)
  1. Economou, F., Hassapis, C. & Philippas, N. (2018). “Investors’ fear and herding in the stock market”, Applied Economics (IF: 0.75, 2* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  2. Economou, F., Hassapis, C., Philippas, N. & Tsionas, M. (2016). “Foreign Direct Investment Determinants in OECD and Developing Countries”, Review of Development Economics, (IF: 0.54, 2* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  3. Babalos, V., Caporale, G.M. & Philippas N. (2015). “Gender, style diversity and their effect on fund performance”, Research in International Business and Finance(2* ABS List, SJR: Q1).
  4. Babalos, V., Doumpos, M., Philippas, N., & Zompounidis, K. (2015). “Towards a holistic approach for mutual fund performance appraisal”, Computational Economics, Volume 46, Issue 1, pp 35-53 (IF: 1.038, 1* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  5. Babalos, V., Mamatzakis, E. & Philippas, N. (2013). “Estimating performance aspects of Greek equity funds with a liquidity-augmented factor model”, Applied Financial Economics, Volume 23, pp. 629-647 (2* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  6. Philippas, N. (2013). “Did Behavioral Mutual Funds Exploit Market Inefficiencies During or After the Financial Crisis?”, Multinational Finance Journal (1* ABS List).
  7. Philippas, N. (2013). “Does herd behaviour exist in the commodities market?”, International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management.
  8. Philippas, N. (2013). “Mutual fund performance evaluation during periods of market turbulence: Evidence from the Greek Market”, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 174-183 (SJR: Q3).
  9. Philippas, N., Economou, F., Babalos, V. & Kostakis, A. (2013). “Herding behavior in REITs: Novel tests and the role of financial crisis”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 29, pp. 166–174 (IF: 1.566, 3* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  10. Babalos, V., Caporale, G.M. & Philippas N. (2012). “Efficiency evaluation of Greek equity funds”, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 317–333 (2* ABS List, SJR: Q1).
  11. Babalos, V., Philippas, N., Doumpos, M., & Zompounidis, K. (2012). “Mutual funds performance appraisal using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis”, Applied Mathematics & Computation, Vol 218, pp. 5693–5703 (IF: 2.3, SJR: Q1).
  12. Economou, F., Kostakis, A. & Philippas, N. (2011). “Cross-country effects in herding behaviour: Evidence from four south European markets”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol 21, Issue 3, pp. 443-460 (IF: 1.719, 3* ABS List, SJR: Q1).
  13. Philippas, N. & Babalos, V. (2010). “Evaluation of Greek Equity Funds using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Studies on the Greek Financial System, pp. 359-385.
  14. Babalos, V., Kostakis, A. & Philippas, N., (2009). “Managing mutual funds or managing expense ratios? Evidence from the Greek fund industry”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, vol. 19(4), pp. 256-272 (2* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  15. Philippas, N., Caporale, G.M. & Economou, F. (2008). “Herding behaviour in extreme market conditions: the case of the Athens Stock Exchange”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 17, pp.1-13 (SJR: Q3).
  16. Babalos, V., Caporale, G.M., Kostakis, A. & Philippas, N. (2008). “Testing for Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance and the ex-post verification Problem: Evidence from the Greek Market”, European Journal of Finance, Vol. 14 (8), pp. 735-753 (IF: 0.848, 3* ABS List, SJR: Q1).
  17. Babalos, V., Kostakis, A. & Philippas, N. (2007). “Spurious results in testing mutual fund performance persistence: Evidence from the Greek market”, Applied Financial Economics Letters, Volume 3(2), pp 103-108 (SJR: Q3).
  18. Philippas, N. (2006). “Trying But Failing to Ride the Bull Market: A Random Coefficient Model to Examine Greek Mutual Funds Performance”, Journal of Financial Decision Making, Volume 2(1), pp. 1-12.
  19. Caporale, G.M., Philippas, N. & Pittis, N. (2004). “Feedbacks Between Fund Flows and Security Returns: Evidence from the Greek Capital Market”, Applied Financial Economics, vol. 14, pp 981-989 (2* ABS List, SJR: Q2).
  20. Fiotakis, Th. & Philippas, N. (2004). “Chasing Trend And Losing Money: Open End Mutual Fund Investor’s Trading In Greece”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 11, No2, pp117-121 (IF: 0.504, 1* ABS List, SJR: Q3).
  21. Philippas, N. (2002). “Market Timing and Selectivity: An Empirical Investigation into the Features of Greek Mutual Fund Managers”, Journal of Applied Business Research, Volume 18(3), pp 97-108 (SJR: Q3).
  22. Philippas, N. & Tsionas, E. (2002). “Performance Evaluation: A Review Article and an Empirical Investigation of Greek Mutual Fund Managers”, The International Business and Economics Journal, Volume 1(6), pp 31-44 (SJR: Q4).
  23. Philippas, N. (1998). “An Analysis of the Market Model Using Data from a Fledging Market”, International Review of Economics and Business, p.p. 745 – 768.
  24. Karathanasis, G. & Philippas, N. (1993). “Heteroscedasticity in the Market Model: Some Evidence from the Athens Stock Exchange”, Managerial and Decision Economics, pp 563-567 (SJR: Q3).
  25. Karathanasis, G. & Philippas, N. (1988). “Estimation of Bank Stock Price Parameters and the Variance Components Model”, Applied Economics, Volume 20, p.p. 497 – 507 (IF: 0.75, SJR: Q2).
  26. Karathanasis, G. & Philippas, N. (1987). “Estimation of Share Valuation Parameters from Time Series and Cross Section Data. Some Results Using Data from the Athens Stock Exchange”, International Review of Economics and Business, Volume 34, p.p. 1167 – 1177.
  1. Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 2015. “Market Psychology: Interventions before and after the recent financial crisis”, Pedio Publications.
  2. Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 2011. “Quantitative Methods in Finance” (University of Piraeus publication).
  3. Philippas, D., Nikolaos,2010. “Mutual Funds, Greek Reality and Recent International Developments”.
  4. Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 2007. “Exercises for the Investments book, 505 Multiple Choice Questions”, Panepistimiako Publications.
  5. Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 2005. “Investments”, Panepistimiako Publications.
  6. Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 1999. “Mutual Funds and Stock Market Environment” , Globus Invest Publications.
  7. Karathanasis, G., Philippas, D., Nikolaos, 1990. “Factors Affecting Stock Pricecs”, Sakkoula Publications.

The office hours for the fall semester 2023-2024 are:

  • Monday: 18:00 – 20:00