Kottaridi Constantina

Κοτταρίδη Κωνσταντίνα

Kottaridi Constantina

Professor, Department of Economics


Teaching Field

International Business

Constantina Kottaridi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Piraeus. She got her first degree at Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics in 1996. She later attended the Graduate Program of Iowa State University, USA, between 1997-1999 where she was granted a full scholarship. While at ISU, she also took several courses in the Statistics Department where she got my minor. Returning to Greece, she joined the Doctoral Program of the Department of International and European Economic Studies at Athens University of Economics and Business from where she was granted her PhD in 2004. Her PhD committee was comprised by exceptional scholars, among them late John Dunning, Emeritus Professor and guru in FDI issues and Peter Buckley, an exceptional International Business Scholar.

In September 2004 she was employed at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics as a Visiting Lecturer. In 2006 she was elected as a regular Lecturer and she officially joined the Department in September 2007. In January 2013 she was appointed her current position.

She has worked in a number of research programs and she has been the main researcher of the Pythgoras program, 2005-2006 “Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations – National and Regional Driving Factors”.

Currently, she is the Director of the joint MSc. Program in Bioeconomics (joint with the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Director of the Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development Laboratory and Executive Director of the international scientific community “Athenian Policy Forum”. She is a also national representative at the Board of Directors of the international scientific community “European International Business Academy”. She is a special adviser to the Crisis Observatory of ELIAMEP. She has presented her work in over 40 international conferences worldwide while she has also served as a Chair and committee member in a number of conferences.

Her specialization area lies with Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations. She is interested both in the macroeconomic aspects related to FDI, such as the impact of FDI on growth as well as the microeconomic angle of MNCs, i.e. their operations, subsidiaries, R&D etc. However, her interests are not exhausted there. She is also interested in economic development and growth, human capital, intellectual property rights, private investments, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their internationalization placing emphasis on technology and networks. Her research ahs been published in prominent international journals such as International Business Review, Empirical Economics, Review of International Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Developing Areas, Applied Economics, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, etc. At the same time, she has edited a number of books, among which her co-editing book “A Festschrift in honor of John Nash: Game Theory. The book contains original papers of well-known scholars in game theory as well as an original interview by John Nash and it was the first book on game theory in Greek in 2002. She is also a reviewer in many well-established journals such as the above mentioned (International Business Review, Empirical Economics, Review of Development Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, Applied Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Developing Areas, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Urban Studies, Small Business Economics, etc.).



  • Introduction to Economic Theory I | 1st semester (mandatory)
  • Introduction to Economic Theory II | 2nd semester (mandatory)
  • Macroeconomics II | 4th semester (mandatory)
  • Monetary Theory | 5th semester (mandatory)



     M.Sc. in Bioeconomics

  • Introduction to Macroeconomics (prep course)
  • Economics of Innovation and Sustainable Development |1st semester (mandatory)
  • Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development of Biotech Firms | 2nd semester (mandatory)


      M.Sc. in Economic and Business Strategy

  • International Finance: Theory and Practice | 3rd semester (compulsory)


      M.Sc. in Economics of Health Management

  • Organization and Management in the Health Sector | 1st semester (mandatory)
  • Quality Management in Health Sector | 2nd semester (compulsory)


       M.Sc. in Economics of Education

    • Management, Leadership and Quality in Education Units |2nd semester (compulsory)


  1. (forthcoming): Ketteni, E. and Kottaridi, C. “The impact of regulations on the FDI-growth nexus: a nonlinear specification with varying coefficients” International Business Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.11.001
  2. (forthcoming) Kottaridi, C., Louloudi, K. and Karkalakos, S. “Human Capital, Skills and Competencies: A Systematic Approach of the Effects on Inward FDI in the EU”. International Business Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2018.10.008
  3. (forthcoming): Kottaridi, C. and Thomakos, D. “Regulate me not: the regulatory failures of taxation – a tale from Greece”. Managerial and Decision Economics. (ABS 2) (impact factor: 1,07). https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.2968
  4. 2019: Kottaridi, C., Giakoulas, D. and Manolopoulos, D. “Escapism FDI from developed economies: the role of regulatory context and corporate taxation”. International Business Review, 28(1), 36-47.
  5. 2018: Papadopoulou, E., Vaitsas, K., Fallas, I., Tsipas, G., Chrisaffis, K., Bikiaris, D., Kottaridi, C. and Vorgias, K. “Bio-economy in Greece: current trends and the road ahead”. The EuroBiotech Journal, 2(3), 37-145.
  6. 2018: Manolopoulos, D., Chatzopoulou, E. and Kottaridi, C. “Resources, home institutional context and SMEs’ exporting: Direct relationships and contingency effects” International Business Review, 27(5), 993-1006. (ABS 3) (impact factor, 2.474, 5 year impact factor 3.095)
  7. 2017: Kottaridi, C. and Lioukas, S. “Firm competencies and exports among SMEs: the critical role of collaborations”. European Journal of International Management, 11(6), 711-732.(ΑΒS 1) (impact factor: 0,567)
  8. 2017: Kokores, I., Kottaridi, C. and Pantelidis, P. “Intra Eurozone Foreign Direct Investment and Deflation”. International Advances in Economic Research 23, 217-229. (ABS 1) (impact factor:0.50)
  9. 2015: Kottaridi, C. and Filippaios, F. “The FDI and Trade relationship revisited under structural change: evidence from a sector-based analysis in Central and Eastern European countries”, East-West Journal of Economics and Business XVIII (2), 11-40. (EconLit, JEL on CD, e-JEL)
  10. 2015: Ketteni, E., Kottaridi, C. and Mamuneas, Th. “Information and Communication Technology and Foreign Direct Investment: interactions and multiple regimes in economic growth”, Empirical Economics, 48(4), 1525-1539. (ABS 2) (Impact factor: 0,614).
  11. 2014: Kottaridi, C. and Escaleras, M. “The joint effect of macroeconomic uncertainty, sociopolitical instability and public provision on private investment”, Journal of Developing Areas, 48(1), 227-251. (ABS 2) (Impact factor: 0,50).
  12. 2013: Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C. “Complements or Substitutes? New
    theoretical considerations and empirical evidence on the
    imports and FDI relationship”, International Review of Applied Economics, 27(6), 766-797. (ABS 2) (Impact factor: 0,90)
  13. 2013: Kottaridi, C., Filippaios, F., Papanastassiou, M. and Pearce, R. “Regional mix and the roles of foreign subsidiaries: a new conceptualization and empirical evidence on the UK case”, SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 63(1-2). (EconLit, EBSCO, RePec, EconBiz, ECONIS) (Impact factor: 0,12, CitEc)
  14. 2011: Kottaridi, C. and Lioukas, S. “Firm location: firm competencies, financial structure and regional determinants”, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 23(1), 1-20. (ABDC B) (0,40).
  15. 2010: Kottaridi, C. and Stengos, Th. “Foreign Direct Investment, human capital and non-linearities in economic growth”, Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(3) September 2010, 858-87. (ABS 2) (impact factor 0,922, Research Gate: 1,30).
  16. 2008: Kottaridi, C. “Regional hierarchies and the location of hi-tech MNEs: the case of the pharmaceutical industry in the UK”, SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 58(1-2), 304-329. (EconLit, EBSCO, RePec, EconBiz, ECONIS) (0,12, CitEc).
  17. 2008: Dinopoulos, E. and Kottaridi, C. “The growth effects of national patent policies”, Review of International Economics, 16(3), 499-515. (ABS 3) (impact factor: 1,01).
  18. 2007: Kottaridi, C. and Thomakos, D., “Global FDI convergence patterns? Evidence from international comparisons” Journal of Economic Integration 22(1), 1-25. (ABDC C) (Impact factor 0,69).
  19. 2007: Kottaridi, C. and Siourounis, G., “Modeling international capital structure under foreign macroeconomic volatility” Mathematical and Computer Modeling 46, 151-162. (Impact Factor 2014/2015: 1,412. Listed as top journal in Computational Theory and Mathematics, http://www.guide2research.com/journals/computational-theory).
  20. 2005: Kottaridi, C., “FDI, growth and the role of governance: changing the rules of the game” Contributions to Political Economy 24, 1-20. (ABS 2) (Impact factor: 0,67).
  21. 2005: Kottaridi, C., “The ‘core-periphery’ pattern of FDI-led growth and production structure in the EU” Applied Economics 37, 99-113. (ABS 2) (Impact factor: 2015: 0, 586)
  22. 2004: Filippaios, F. and Kottaridi, C., “Investment patterns and the competitiveness of Greek regions” Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 16(2), 93-187. (ABDC B) (Impact factor: 0,40)



  1. 2015: “Foreign direct investment, innovation and brain drain in Greece: turning the problem to opportunity”, in Thomakos, D.D., Monokrousos, P. and Nikolopoulos, K. (Eds) (2015), A Financial Crisis Manual: Reflections and the Road Ahead, Palgrave Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions – October 2015.
  2. 2012: Giakoulas, D., Kontis A. and Kottaridi, C. “The evolution of Greek FDI and its impact on the home country’s economy: analysis from an economics perspective”, in Kontis, A. and Tsardanidis, Ch. “International Political Economy II”, Papazisis Publications (in Greek).
  3. 2011:  KottaridiCand Papanastassiou M. and Pitelis, C.“Determinants of MNE subsidiaries decision to set up own R&D laboratories – the choice of region” pp. 235-258l, in Peter Nijkamp and Ioulia Siedschlag (eds.) Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness – Dynamic Regions in the knowledge-Based Economy, Springer Verlag, 2011.
  4. 2011: Kottaridi, C., Papanastassiou, M., Pitelis, C. and Thomakos, D. “The Multinational Corporation, absorptive capacity and the global sourcing of knowledge”, pp. 259-280, in Peter Nijkamp and Ioulia Siedschlag (eds.) Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness – Dynamic Regions in the knowledge-Based Economy, Springer Verlag, 2011.
  5. 2008: Kottaridi, C., Mendez-Carbajo, D. and Thomakos, D. “Inflation dynamics and the cross-sectional distribution of prices in the EU periphery”, in Zhao and Kamihigashi (eds.) International trade and Economic Dynamics, Springer Verlag Publications (επίσης Working Paper #2007-04, Department of Economics, University of Peloponnese και Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) WP 989223)
  6. 2004: Kottaridi, C. and Siourounis, G., “A flight to quality! International capital structure under foreign liquidity constraints”, στο  συλλογικό τόμο των Σίμου, Θ. και Μαρουλή, Γ. (επιμ.) International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2004, Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, VSP International, Science Publishers.
  7. 2003: Kottaridi, C. “European Knowledge Economy: Research and Innovation as Main Pylons of Competitiveness”, in Kottaridi, C. and Lazaridis, N. (eds.) “The Dynamics of the EU: Trends and Perspectives”, Eurasian Publications (in Greek).



    1. 2018: Kottaridi, C. “International Business” (ed. In Greek f the English version of Wild, J. and Wild, K.), Broken Hill Publishers
    2. 2015: Zervoyanni, A., Kottaridi, C. and Anastasiou, A. “Macroeconomics” (ed. in Greek of the English version of Gartner, M.), Broken Hill Publishers.
    3. 2015: Kottaridi, C. “Money, Banking, and Financial Markets”, (ed. in Greek of the English version of  Cecchetti, S. and Schoenholtz, K..) Broken Hills Publishers
    4. October 2011: Pekka, V. Kottaridi, C., Tzavara, D. and Ventoura, Z. “Industrial Organization, Competition, Strategy, Policy” (eds. in Greek of the English textbook of Lipczynski, Wilson, Goddard), Broken Hills Publications.
    5. October 2011: Hatzidimitriou, I., Kottaridi, C. and Rezitis, A. “Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy” (eds. in Greek of the English textbook of Baumol-Blinder), Paschalides Publications.
    6. October 2003: Kottaridi, C.  and Lazaridis, N. (eds.) “The Dynamics of the EU: Trends and Perspectives”, Eurasian Publications (in Greek).
    7. October 2002: KottaridiCAnd Siourounis, G. (eds.) A Festschrift in honor of John Nash – Game Theory”, Eurasian Publications (in Greek).
    8. October  2001: Kottaridi, C. and Kosma, T. (eds) “Economics Workbook”, by P. Smith και Begg, D., Kritiki Publications (in Greek).

Fall semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 11:00-12:00
  • Tuesday, 11:00-12:00