Erasmus+ Action Type KA220 – HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project Title: Enhancing Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Project Acronym: E – QUALITY

Project’s Site: to be announced


E-QUALITY aims to collect all the quality methods and techniques that are used in partner Universities to ensure the quality of teaching and learning. The main objective is to integrate the evaluation process into a broader process of quality management and development by introducing transparent rules and procedures to discourage mere compliance with evaluation criteria and indicators but rather encourage adherence to the spirit of quality that forms the foundation of quality assurance.


Strengthen the quality assurance (QA) mechanisms within higher education institutions. The primary objective is to create a more integrated, transparent, and comprehensive QA system that moves beyond bureaucratic compliance to fostering a culture of quality.

Key goals include:

  • Collecting and integrating quality assurance methods and techniques used by partner universities.
  • Introducing transparent rules and procedures to streamline evaluation processes.
  • Developing innovative tools and materials to enhance QA practices.
  • Establishing the E-QUALITY Platform, which centralizes quality methods and supports QA evaluations.
  • Creating training courses and MOOCs for QA managers and administrators.

The project aims to enhance communication among QA staff, involve diverse stakeholders, and encourage the adoption of a common framework for quality assurance standards in European higher education institutions
