تاريخ الجامعة

تاريخ الجامعة

The history of the University from 1945 until today

The University of Piraeus was founded as a "School of Industrial Studies" in 1938 by the Association of Industrialists and Craftsmen, in accordance with Law 5197/1931 and Law 28/1936, which, in collaboration with the Association of Sociétés Anonymes of Greece, intended to provide economic, legal and technical education of industry executives.

1945 - 1966

1945: It was renamed to “Higher School of Industrial Studies” and its purpose was the systematic, theoretical and practical training of managers.

1949: With Law 1245/49, its organization was completed.

1958: The “Higher School of Industrial Studies” was renamed to Graduate School of Industrial Studies of Piraeus (Law 3876/58). Attendance lasts four years and the degrees awarded are equivalent to those of other universities.

1966: (Law 4578/1966) The school operated as a public entity.

1971 - 1978

1971-1972: Studying at the School provided two paths: Economic science and Business Administration (decision 146652/71)

1977-1978: The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science begins its operation.


With Law 1268/82 the university initially operated with one department. However, with P.D. 43/1984 the school was organized so as to include three departments:

  1. Economic science
  2. Business Administration and
  3. Statistics and Insurance Science


In June 1989, with the P.D. 377/89, the School was renamed to University of Piraeus, to which three more Departments of Study were added, namely:

  1. Banking and Financial Management
  2. Maritime Studies
  3. Technology and Production Systems
1990 - 1991

Since the academic year 1990-1991, only two new Departments of the three Departments (Economic science, Business Administration, Statistics and Insurance Science) have been put into operation in the three already operating Departments.

  1. Department of Banking and Financial Management
  2. Department of Maritime Studies
1991 - 2000

The Department of Industrial Management and Technology began operating in the academic year 1991-1992 as the Department of Technology and Production Systems and was renamed by P.D. 113/30-4-2002 / Government Gazette 95

The Department of Computer Science began operating in the academic year 1992-1993.

The Department of Technological Education began operating in the academic year 1999-2000, which according to article 3 par.2d.cc. of Law 3027/28-6-2002/Government Gazette 152, was renamed to Department of Computer Education and Digital Systems. Then, according to P.D.151/2009, Government Gazette 194/A'/1-11-2009, the Department was renamed to Department of Digital Systems.

2000 - Today

The Department of International and European Studies started operating in the academic year 2000-2001.

The Department of Tourism Studies started operating in the academic year 2017-2018.