تاريخ الجامعة
25 فبراير 2025 2025-02-26 13:46تاريخ الجامعة
The history of the University from 1945 until today
The University of Piraeus was founded as a "School of Industrial Studies" in 1938 by the Association of Industrialists and Craftsmen, in accordance with Law 5197/1931 and Law 28/1936, which, in collaboration with the Association of Sociétés Anonymes of Greece, intended to provide economic, legal and technical education of industry executives.
1945: It was renamed to “Higher School of Industrial Studies” and its purpose was the systematic, theoretical and practical training of managers.
1949: With Law 1245/49, its organization was completed.
1958: The “Higher School of Industrial Studies” was renamed to Graduate School of Industrial Studies of Piraeus (Law 3876/58). Attendance lasts four years and the degrees awarded are equivalent to those of other universities.
1966: (Law 4578/1966) The school operated as a public entity.
1971-1972: Studying at the School provided two paths: Economic science and Business Administration (decision 146652/71)
1977-1978: The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science begins its operation.
With Law 1268/82 the university initially operated with one department. However, with P.D. 43/1984 the school was organized so as to include three departments:
- Economic science
- Business Administration and
Statistics and Insurance Science
In June 1989, with the P.D. 377/89, the School was renamed to University of Piraeus, to which three more Departments of Study were added, namely:
- Banking and Financial Management
- Maritime Studies
- Technology and Production Systems
Since the academic year 1990-1991, only two new Departments of the three Departments (Economic science, Business Administration, Statistics and Insurance Science) have been put into operation in the three already operating Departments.
- Department of Banking and Financial Management
- Department of Maritime Studies
The Department of Industrial Management and Technology began operating in the academic year 1991-1992 as the Department of Technology and Production Systems and was renamed by P.D. 113/30-4-2002 / Government Gazette 95
The Department of Computer Science began operating in the academic year 1992-1993.
The Department of Technological Education began operating in the academic year 1999-2000, which according to article 3 par.2d.cc. of Law 3027/28-6-2002/Government Gazette 152, was renamed to Department of Computer Education and Digital Systems. Then, according to P.D.151/2009, Government Gazette 194/A'/1-11-2009, the Department was renamed to Department of Digital Systems.
The Department of International and European Studies started operating in the academic year 2000-2001.
The Department of Tourism Studies started operating in the academic year 2017-2018.