سياسة الجودة

سياسة الجودة



According to the Standard for the Certification of the Internal Quality Assurance System of an Higher Education Institution, the quality assurance policy is the basic document that sets the principles of the operation and the continuous improvement of the institution, as well as its obligation for public accountability.

It supports the development of a quality culture whereby all stakeholders within the institution take responsibility for quality and participate in ensuring it. In other words, in the context of consolidating a culture of quality, stakeholders are invited to become aware of the content of quality and the values it implies by applying them in their daily practices. A characteristic feature of quality policy is its formal nature, which is based on a corresponding management logic and is made public, ensuring active participation and transparency.
Taking the above as a starting point, the quality policy is implemented by:
  • a commitment to comply with the legal and regulatory framework of the Institution,
  • the establishment, review, redesign and redefinition of quality assurance objectives, which are in full alignment with the Institution's strategy.
It is worth noting that the way in which the quality policy is designed, approved, implemented, monitored and reviewed is one of the key processes of the internal quality assurance system.
Interested groups can learn more about the quality policy of the University of Piraeus by following the link below: