


The accreditation is an external evaluation process based on specific, predefined, internationally accepted and published quantitative and qualitative criteria and indicators, aligned with the Principles and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).

The purpose of certification is to ensure the quality of higher education, as well as the efficiency and transparency of the overall operation of Higher Education Institutes.

General Principles of Certification

  • The accreditation is carried out with uniform criteria and quality assurance procedures for all, in accordance with national legislation and Greece’s commitments as a member of the European Higher Education Area.
  • It is an impartial procedure, carried out in a transparent and merit-based manner by a Recognised Independent Authority.
  • It is evidence-based and carried out by independent experts.
  • It leads to the decision on whether a curriculum complies with the minimum defined and pre-published accreditation criteria. 
  • The results of the certification are published and available to all interested parties.

Benefits of Certification

  • It works to the benefit of students, parents, the Higher Education Institute itself and employers because it ensures that a graduate of a study programme has acquired a specific combination of knowledge, competencies and skills (learning outcomes) that are reflected in the accreditation criteria.
  • It ensures that an educational programme meets the minimum quality criteria as developed in the European Higher Education Area.