Department of Economics

Stay informed about the Department’s news:
Contact Information:

Address: 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., 185 34, Piraeus


Phone: +30 210 414-2080, -2081, -2159, -2077, -2078


On behalf of all the members of our academic community, I wish to welcome you to the Department of Economics. Our Department is the oldest at the University of Piraeus, with over 85 years of history, and its primary objective is acquiring, promoting and deepening knowledge in the field of Economics, as well as the development of the Department at the local, national, European and international level.

The Department of Economics places great importance on cooperation with other universities and organizations in Greece and abroad, on creating Links with the Labor Market through internships and other types of collaborations, and on the values of Excellence in Research and Education, Social Responsibility and Contribution to Society and the Economy. It is our strong belief that these values will aid us in shaping leading personalities for our students, imbuing them with traits that will define their future to great extent. We place great emphasis on the develpment of a multifaceted personnality: knowledge gain, but also critical thinking accompanied with the development of skills such as teamwork and cooperation, time management, creative and analytical thought, as well as interpersonal comunication.

In this website you will find information regarding all of these aspects: studying in our Department, our research, and above all the people that work every day to achieve these goals. I hope that you’ll find at least some of the answers to the questions that brought you here, and that you’ll come to understand the spirit that underlies our Department and the University.

Professor Yannis A. Pollalis

Department Chair


The Department of Economics has a single long term goal: to contribute to the creation of high quality knowledge and research in the field of Economics.

The four-year  Undergraduate Program consists of a multitude of core courses on foundational subjects of economics and electives that focus on contemporary issues, thus providing both a theoretical background and the empirical knowledge necessary to comprehend complex economic issues. Additionnally, the Program gives its students the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ mobility program – the EU’s flagship student exchange program – as well as internship opportunities in a variety of industries. 

At the postgraduate level, the Department offers five Master’s programs that lead to a corresponding degree(Master of Science – M.Sc.):

Additionnally, the Department offers a Ph.D. program in Economics, as well as Post-Doc opportunities

For more information, please visit the “Studies” tab. 

Our graduates enjoy an excellent reputation and are well-appreciated by both the private and public sector in the country, while many of our former students hold positions in top EU or US schools. The above factor is reflected in international rankings (e.g. our Department is ranked 200-300 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities – ARWU, also known as Shanghai Ranking). 

For more information, please visit the University’s alumni page, as well as the website of the University’s Career Office.

The quality of research in our Department is reflected in the amount of leading journals that publish our work, the competence of existing and recently hired academic staff, the recruitment of talented Ph.D. and Post-Doc students, and the resources and activities devoted to research. For this purpose, the Department has 7 fully equipped University Labs specializing in research on cutting edge subfields of Economics. Namely:

  • ETOS (Enterpreneurship, Technology and Economic Strategy Lab)
  • TESMOL (Transport Economics and Sustainable Mobility Lab)
  • LabHem (Health Economics and Management Lab)
  • LORED (Local and Regional Development Lab)
  • Bioeconomy and Sustainable Growth Laboratory
  • EFMRCG (Economics of Financial Markets, Risk Management and Corporate Governance Lab)
  • iLeads (Strategic Leadership & Digital Transformation Lab)

Additionnaly, the Department organizes two types of research seminars:

  • The Internal Seminars, which are a platform to provide Ph.D. candidates the opportunity to present their own research activities, as well as to come in contact with the research of leading scientists
  • The Joint Economic Research Seminar Series (JERS), which is an cooperation initiative between the Economics Departments of several Greek Universities for the joint organization of seminars and workshops, aiming at the advancement of research cooperation and learning. Our department functions as the host institution for this initiative.

Finally, the Department hosts the peer reviewed SPOUDAI – Journal of Economics and Business, an EconLit international journal (the only one of its kind in Greece).

For more information, please visit the “Research” tab.

The Department offers online courses through the University’s E-Learning platform. These are courses designed for people who wish to study applied economics issues with an aim to either improve their job market outlook or to enrich their professional knowledge portfolio.

For more information, please visit the following website:



Department Chair

Associate Professors

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Assistant Professors

Kyriazis Spyridon

Adjunct Faculty, Winter Semester, 2024-2025

Courses taught:

Economics of Transportation and Shipping (3rd Semester)

Regional Economics (5th Semester)

Office Hours: Tuesday 12:15-14:15, Room Nr. 531 (Main Building)


CV Kyriazis Spyros

Patergiannaki Zoi

Adjunct Faculty, Winter Semester, 2024-2025

Courses taught:

International Business Activity (7th Semester)

Leadership in the Digital Age (7th Semester)

Office Hours: Wednesday 14:00-16:00, Room Nr. 518 (Main Building)


CV Zoi Patergiannaki 


Fall Semester 2024-2025

MONDAY 12:00-13:00
TUESDAY 12:00-13:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

Monday 11:00-12:00
Wednesday 10:00-11:00


Winter Semester 2024-2025:

  • Wednesday: 12:00 – 14:00
  • Friday: 12:00 – 14:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025:

  • Thursday: 12:00 – 14:00
  • Friday: 12:00 – 14:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

For students enrolled in “Economics of Inequality and Poverty”:

  • Wednesday 16:00 – 17:00
  • Friday 10:00 – 11:00

For students enrolled in “Economics of Education”:

  • Wednesday 17:00 – 18:00
  • Friday 11:00 – 12:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

For students enrolled in “Economics of Social Protection”: Thursday & Friday 08:00 – 09:00

For students enrolled in “Economics II” (Department of Industrial Management & Technology): Thursday 08:00 – 09:00 & Friday 11:00-12:00

Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00

Thursday 10:00 – 12:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 12:00-14:00
  • Thursday, 12:00-14:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 10:00-11:00
  • Thursday, 16:00-18:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

Tuesday, 12:00-14:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

Monday, 12:00-14:00


Fall Semester 2024-2025

  • Tuesday , 10:00 -12:00
  • Wednesday, 12:00 -14:00

Spring Semester 2023-2024

  • Tuesday , 10:00 -12:00
  • Wednesday, 16:00 -18:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025:

Contact during Office Hours: Thursday 08:00-10:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

Tuesday, 10:00-12:00

Wednesday, 12:00-14:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

Monday 12:00-14:00

Thursday 10:00-12:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

    • Tuesday, 12:00-15:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

    • Monday, 12:00-14:00
  • Fall semester 2024-25

    • In person or via MS Teams call to the instructor every Thursday at 12:00-14.00 and every Friday at 16.00-18.00
  • Spring semester 2024-25

    • In person or via MS Teams call to the instructor every Monday at 16:00-18.00 and every Thursday at 18.00-20.00

Fall semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 11:00-12:00
  • Tuesday, 11:00-12:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

Thursday 2.00-2.30
Friday 10.30-12.00

Fall semester 2024-2025

  • Friday, 12:00-14:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

Wednesday 12:00-14:00

Updated information at

Fall Semester 2023-2024

Monday 16:00-18:00

Spring Semester 2023-2024

Monday 16:00-18:00

Thursday 16:00-18:00

Fall semester 2024-2025

Monday 14:00-16:00 and Thursday 10:00 – 12:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

Thursday  12 00 – 14 00 and Friday 10:00-12:00

Fall semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 10:00-12:00
  • Thursday, 15:00-17:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

    • Monday, 14:00-16:00
    • Thuesday, 14:00-17:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 09:00-10:00
  • Wednesday, 09:00-10:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

    • Tuesday, 09:00-10:00
    • Thursday, 09:00-10:00

Fall Semester 2024-2025

Wednesday: 16:00-18:00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

Wednesday: 16:00-18:00

Fall semester 2024-2025

Wednesday, 12:00-14:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

Wednesday, 12:00-14:00

NOTE: During the exam periods, there are no office hours.

Fall Semester 2024-2025

Wednesday 10.00 – 11.00

Friday 10.00 – 11.00

Spring Semester 2024-2025

Wednesday 10.00-11.00

Fall semester 2024-2025

  • Monday, 10:00-12:00
  • Wednesday, 08:00-10:00

Spring semester 2024-2025

    • Monday, 10:00-12:00
    • Tuesday, 12:00-13:00
Benos TheofanisProfessor
Brisimis SofoklisProfessor
Drakos GeorgiosProfessor
Efthimoglou ProdromosProfessor
Fafaliou EiriniProfessor
Giannakopoulos NikolaosProfessor
Hadjidema StamatinaProfessor
Hassid IosifProfessor
Ithakisios DionisiosAssociate Professor
Kalafatis AthanasiosAssociate Professor
Karagiannis Anastasios†Professor
Katsanevas TheodorosProfessor
Lazaris Apostolos†Professor
Livas Petros†Professor
Ntouskos Petros†Associate Professor
Palaiologos IoannisProfessor
Pantelidis PantelisProfessor
Papageorgiou PetrosProfessor
Sambrakos EvangelosProfessor
Sarantidis Stilianos†Professor
Skountzos TheodorosProfessor
Spiratou EftihiaAssistant Professor
Vartholomaios Ioannis†Professor
Yannelis DimitriosProfessor



Benos Theofanis


Brisimis Sofoklis


Drakos Georgios


Efthimoglou Prodromos


Fafaliou Eirini


Giannakopoulos Nikolaos


Hadjidema Stamatina


Hassid Iosif


Katsanevas Theodoros


Lazaris Apostolos†


Livas Petros†


Palaiologos Ioannis


Papageorgiou Petros


Sambracos Evangelos


Sarantidis Stilianos†


Skountzos Theodoros


Vartholomaios Ioannis†


Yannelis Dimitrios




Research Topic

Georgi Christina

Vozikis Athanasios

Pulmonary Hypertension: quality of life and out of pocket payments

Karakostas Emmanouil

Pollalis Ioannis

The role of intermediate goods in firms’ competitiveness

Karamanis Dimitrios

Economidou Claire

Immigration, Policies and Growth

Karaferis Dimitrios

Pollalis Ioannis

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics as quality factors in the public sector – healthcare services analysis

Kyrkopoulou Eleni

Economidou Claire

Experimental Evidence of neighborhood Effects: The case of the 2004 Athens Olympic Village

Konstantios Dimitrios

Economidou Claire

The role of innovation in firms’ sustainability and funding

Maniatis Georgios

Polemis Michael

Interdisciplinary elements of higher education – the case of law professionals’ economics training

Balaska Dimitra

Pollalis Ioannis

Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Sindos Andreas

Chletsos Theologos – Michael

The effect of job insecurity on households’ financial decisions

Tsarsitalidou Sofia

Chletsos Theologos – Michael

The effect of foreign aid on institutions

Frangoulakis Vasileios

Vozikis Athanasios

The use of artificial intelligence in the identification of genetic traits and the prediction of clinical phenotypes in the practice of personalized medicine



Date of Completion

Dissertation Topic

Aggelopoulos Michael

Pollalis I.


Lean management practices and strategies for resource saving in public corpotations

Agkyropoulos Charalampos

Agiakloglou C.


Investigation of spurious regression for stationary timeseries with linear trend and structural breaks

Armoutaki Archontoula

Pollalis I.


Empirical research and analysis on cigarette consumption, excise taxation and government revenues

Balaska Dimitra

Pollalis I.


Assessment of health related quality of life and cost in minimally invasive spinal surgery

Bechlioulis Alexandros

Economidou C.



Chanis Stefanos

Papageorgiou P.


Assessment and evaluation of the rate of return on investment in post-secondary vocational education and training in Greece

Christopoulos Konstantinos

Eleftheriou K.


Pharmaceutical Expenditure in the Developed Countries: Determinants, Convergence Trends and the Effect of the Economic Crisis

Dellis Konstantinos

Karkalakos S.



Euthimiou Panagiota

Vozikis A.


Economic and Behavioral Lifestyle Interventions to Confront Health Risk Factors: Rationale and Impact on Health and Expenditures

Giaka Mari

Fafaliou E.


“Essays in Business Strategy, Sustainability and Innovation”

Karamanis Dimitrios

Economidou C.


ESSAYS ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND DIFFUSION                                                           

Karpouzis Efstathios

Psillaki M.


Alternatives modes of financing: Hedge Fund Activism and Crowdfunding

Kechrinioti Alexandra

Economidou C.


Essays on Defence Economics

Konstantios Dimitrios

Economidou C.


Essays  on Innovation and Finance

Koufopoulou Paraskevi

Vozikis A.


Shadow economy in Greek healthcare sector: trends – evolutions – perspectives

Letsou Eleni

Pantelidis P.


Outward foreign direct investments: the case of European Union

Louloudi Konstantina

Kottaridi K.


FDI and Human Capital: Empirical Evidence of Gender Effects and Education Spillovers (Άμεσες Ξένες Επενδύσεις και Ανθρώπινο Κεφάλαιο: Επιδράσεις κατά φύλο και διάχυση γνώσης)

Makridakis Theodoros

Karkalakos S.


Essays on economic growth, radiation and energy impact: the effect of the institutional factors

Mamais Konstantinos

Vlamis P.


Evaluating Investment Strategies among the International Financial markets:Three essays on Investment Decisions.

Maniati Marina

Sambracos E.


Evaluation of bank efficiency in the international transport and shipping sector

Mavrakana Christina

Psillaki M.


Corporate governance and risk management in the banking sector

Meggouli Eirini

Fafaliou E.


Critical issues in public administration: the case of primary health care

Nimorakiotaki Despoina

Hadjidema S.


Assessing the economic impact on urban transport from the economic crisis

Niros Meletios

Pollalis I.


The role of consumer confidence and ethnocentrism on brand’s (re)purchase intentio: which strategies pay off

Ntelis Fotios

Economidou C.


Essays in Profit Shifting Behavior of Multinational Enterprises

Pachis Athanasios

Yannelis D.


Essays on the Determinants of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Diffusion and the role of Access Regulation on Fixed Broadband Proliferation

Paneta Efrosyni

Pantelidis P.


Sectoral analysis of foreign direct investment in Greece

Papadopoulou Georgia

Sambracos E.


Investigation of the characteristics that affect cruise passengers’ expenditures in Greece

Papafilis Michel – Panagiotis

Psillaki M.


Essays on Banking and Finance

Patergiannaki Zoe

Pollalis I.


Digital Transition of Greek SMEs from Traditional Operation th the Digital Era

Patsoulis Patroklos

Eleftheriou K.


Essays in central banking and monetary policy

Psachoulias Georgios

Karkalakos S.


Human, capital, trade flows and technology balance.                                                (Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό, Εμπορικές Ροές και Ισοζύγιο Τεχνολογίας)

Ramfou Eirini

Sambracos E.


Freight transport as an inductive phenomenon of business performance

Riga Marina

Pollalis I.


Economic analysis and management of decision making in healthcare: application in patient safety

Rodakis Irodis-Andreas

Pollalis I.


The effects of internal control system, internal audit, corporate governance and best practices in the operation of the public sector: the case of public health units

Sidiropoulos Symeon

Vozikis A.


International and Non-Governmental Organizations (CSOs-NGOs): Economic evaluation of health sector activities and projects

Skarmeas Emmanouil

Kottaridi K.


Market Microstructure and its effect upon price determination efficiency (Στοιχεία μικροδομής της Αγοράς και η επίδρασή τους στην αποτελεσματική διαμόρφωση των τιμών)

Stamatopoulos Ioannis

Hadjidema S.


The cost of corporate taxation in Greece

Stefanitsis Marinos

Hassid I.


Financial knowledge and financial behaviour in households and small and medium sized firms

Tsantili Ioanna

Hadjidema S.


Identification and evaluation of the training needs of health care professionals in Greece

Tsiaparikou Ioanna

Katsanevas T.


Economic and Institutional factors affecting job  choices and development

Tsikouras Alexandros

Pantelidis P.


Application of Sharia in the creation of an islamic index at the Athens Stock Exchange and comparative empirical analysis of the islamic and the general index of the Athens Stock Exchange

Xesfingi Sofia

Pollalis I.


An economic analysis of service quality and patient satisfaction of greek healthcare system

Zikidou Stavroula

Hadjidema S.


The time-course of health expenditure in Greece and the impact of financial crisis on household health expenditure: comparison to other european countries



Dissertation Topic

Ampeliotis Dimitrios

Pollalis I.

Cross-sectoral comparative mixed research on the evaluation criteria of the investment plans of the Greek development laws

Anagnosti Afroditi

Drivas K.

Examining the process of valorizing academic research

Augeri Euaggelia

Psillaki M.

The evolution of financial technology and its impact on financial stability

Chounti Maria

Chletsos T.M.

Economic and social aspects of aging population

Deligiannakis Emmanouil

Agiakloglou C.

Measures of Dependdence and Spurious Behaciors for Linear Relationships generated from Non-Linearly Structured Time Series

Emmanouil-Kalos Alkinoos

Vozikis A.

Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Resource Allocation and Prioritization in Health Systems

Fotis Dimitrios

Karkalakos S.

Tourism, Competitiveness and Economic Growth in the EU and Greece

Georgiou Evangelia

Economidou C.

Monetary policy in low – interest environment

Giannouzi Xanthippi

Pollalis I.

Advanced Data Analytics: The digital transformation of the Hellenic Tax Administration

Gkaros Alfred-Pantelis

Agiakloglou C.

Behavioral study of relationships between time series models with deterministic and stochastic trend

Gkiouzepis Vasileios

Kottaridi K.

Quality Management and Sustainability and Multinational Corporations

Gkouvakis Michael

Agiakloglou C.

Dynamic General Equilibrium Models, Economic Fluctuations and Economic Policy: Building a Macroeconomic Framework.

Grigoriadi Dafne

Kottaridi K.

Outward Foreign Direct Investment, Entrepreneuship and Sustainable Developmnet

Kampra Athanasia

Vozikis A.

Modeling the factors and estimating outcomes of litigation in adverse events and medical errors.

Karveli Konstantina

Polemis M.

The impact of the tourism industry on the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: A theoretical and empirical approach

Katavelis Vasileios

Hadjidema S.

The Contribution of Tax Expenditures to Economic Development

Katsanevas Konstantinos

Sambracos E.

Utility Maximization & Game Theory in Route Choice and Parking Preferences

Kenellopoulos Christos

Karkalakos S.

Regional Development and Air Transportation: The role of spillovers

Kontos Konstantinos

Chletsos T.M.

Topics in the Economics of Inequality

Kyranakos Sotirios

Pollalis I.

The economic and social characteristics of sports events. Their role in shaping the development strategy of the regions in Greece and the European Union

Kyriazis Spyridon

Karkalakos S.

Competitiveness and Economic Growth in EU: Clusters and Spillovers

Lali Vasiliki

Sambracos E.

Investigation of the effect of the Maritime Cluster on the Development of the Greek Economy

Lykou Kalliopi

Eleftheriou K.

Airport – air navigation ownership, regulation and level of airport – air navigation charges: evidence from OECD and non – OECD countries

Moustaferi Evgenia

Raikou M.

The Economic Impact of Immigration on the Greek Health System

Mperdeka Konstantina

Karkalakos S.

Learning disabilities and dyslexia: a cost – utility model for professional career and self – efficasy

Mpourazeris Meletios

Karkalakos S.

Tax evasion and Smuggling: The impact on economy and corporations

Mpriola Konstantina

Vozikis A.

The use of PREMs and PROMs tools in the health sector

Mylonas Michael

Karkalakos S.

Sustainable Investments: the impact on financial performance and business decisions

Nikoloudakis Dimitrios-Panagiotis

Pollalis I.

Strategic use of data analytics to improve the attraction and staffing function in the human resources sector of businesses in the digital age.

Nikos Frangiskos

Polemis M.

Competition analysis in digital data for cartel detection through IT forensics techniques

Papathanasi Efstathia

Pollalis I.

Digital Disruption/Digital Transformation strategy and trend application

Poulimenea Eleni

Pollalis I.

Economic Impact od Costumer Experience: Study of the Greek Market

Siopsis Michael

Karkalakos S.

Banking Sector and Social Economy: Growth and Prospects

Sklavos Favianos

Eleftheriou K.

Greek hotel industry: Costumer satisfaction and hotel financial performance

Somponis Kyriakos

Hadjidema S.

Essays on the impact of the perception of the public debt measurement on the shaping of economic policy

Sotiropoulos Aristeidis

Raikou M.

The relationship between private healthinsurance and hospital prices, service provision and technology diffusion

Soursou Simeoni-Eleni

Polemis M.

The role of European Emission Trading System on the functioning of the Power Exchange Markets

Stavridou Eleni

Kottaridi K.

Assymetric and Spatial Effects of Institutional quality on OFDI

Stergiopoulou Eleftheria

Chletsos T.M.

Economic impacts on neighborhood in decline associated with social capital

Takou Georgia

Psillaki M.

Η Εταιρική Διακυβέρνηση στα πλαίσια των παραγόντων ESG

Thanos Ioannis

Psillaki M.

The impact of mergence and acquisitions on Financial Institutions

Touralis Smirniotis-Filippos

Kottaridi K.

Tax evasion and avoidance, informal labour markets and Foreign Direct Investment: the role of institutional quality and regulatory governance

Tsatsani Olga

Pollalis I.

User Experience and Information Systems Development: Examining the user’s dynamic mental changes in the digital environment of businesses and public organizations

Tsitoura Efstathia

Tselekounis M.

Emotional and artificial intelligence in education

Vagias Panagiotis

Sambracos E.

Investigating the competition and complementarity of Public Transport and Taxis in urban areas

Vasileiou Konstantinos

Vozikis A.

Corporate restructuring in Greek business landscape, creating new turnaround models through strategic management and new technologies. The case studies of Sports, Banking and Health

Xesfingi Elenh

Fafaliou E.

Design Thinking, Small and Medium Enterprises, Employee Satisfaction

Xydea Elenh

Chletsos T.M.

Essays in Labor Economics

Zlatoudis Athanasios

Kottaridi K.

«Smart» sustainable developmentin Greek island communities

  • Department Secretariat

The Secretariat of the Department of Economics is responsible for announcing and archiving exam results, the announcement of graduates, the issuance of various certificates etc. For the issuance of all certificates, an application must have been submitted by the student. Students may also track their progress and obtain unofficial transcripts electronically, through the online secretariat system ( The Secretariat is open to the public on the following days and hours: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 11.30-14.00.

Address: University of Piraeus| 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., 185 34 Piraeus | 1st floor, Office Nr. 110 .

Staff Members:

NameOffice Nr.Tel. Nr.   E-mail
Koutsoumpasakou Aikaterini (Head Secretary)110210
Varela Adamantia110210
Daferera Efrosyni110210
Kalemai Anna110210
Schinas Antonios110210
  • Secretariat of the Chair

The Secretariat of the Chair is responsible for issues pertaining to the office of the Chair and the Department’s faculty.

Address: University of Piraeus| 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Str., 185 34 Piraeus | 5th Floor, Office Nr. 532 | Tel. 210 4142300 .

Staff Members:

NameOffice Nr.Tel. Nr.E-mail
Roditou Eleni532210
Katavelis Vasileios532210


Research constitutes one of our Department’s main pillars, a commitment that is reflect in the quality of our faculty’s published works. In the following sections you will find the framework, through which we organize and support research activities. In turn, this framework leads to a higher level of teaching and education in general.

Research Fields

Research in our Department is focused mainly (but not exclusively) in the following fields: 


Seven university laboratories operate in our department, which have been set up to serve the educational and research needs of the Department in cutting-edge fields of Economics.

Enterpreneurship, Technology and Economic Strategy Lab (ETOS)

The Entrepreneurship, Technology and Economic Strategy (ETOS) laboratory is housed in the main building of the University of Piraeus (Karaoli and Dimitriou 80, 5th floor, office no. 528). The purpose of the Laboratory is to cultivate and spread entrepreneurship, as well as innovative and strategic knowledge, in the academic community and in specialized organizations.


Tel. 2104142303

The primary objective of the Entrepreneurship, Technology and Economic Strategy (ETOS) lab is to provide both theoretical background and practical experience within three pillars of activities: 1) Research, 2) Information and 3) Services.

1) Research

ETOS develops actions of practical and research interest in collaboration with other institutions, businesses and partners from an ever-growing network of organizations from Greece and abroad. Faculty, researchers and students work together to produce applied knowledge focusing on cutting-edge issues facing small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the business world in general, producers of technology and innovation goods, as well as policymakers of economic strategy.

2) Information

The Laboratory organizes conferences, workshops and seminars. Its main ambition is to keep stakeholders informed about current issues of entrepreneurship, technology and financial strategy. In order to strengthen this goal, Greek and foreign researchers, business leaders and executives of organizations and institutions are invited to give lectures on key issues that fall within the action areas of ETOS. Furthermore, ETOS provides educational and informative material in printed and electronic form that is easily accessible both through its activities and from its website.

3) Services

The Laboratory encourages students and the members of the academic community in general to participate in the real world of business and the Economy through practical-experiential experiences. Students, in collaboration with academic staff as well as executives from the private and public sector, provide consulting services and guidance to people who lack business knowledge and wish to acquire it, with the aim of implementing and developing their business ideas, as well as improving the competitiveness of businesses. Also, directions are provided for the development of an appropriate economic strategy and the diffusion of technological and innovative achievements. This process is a unique learning experience for students, who have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real situations. Among others, ETOS provides support to students who wish to conduct research on contemporary issues of entrepreneurship, technology and economic strategy.

Health Economics and Management Lab (LabHem)

The Laboratory of Health Economics & Management (LabHem) was founded in 2015 and specializes in the fields of Health Economics, Research in Health Services and Management of Health Care Units. The laboratory is supported by a team of researchers specialized in Health Economics, Management, Strategy, Health Informatics, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science.


For more information, please visit the Lab’s website.

Transport Economics and Sustainable Mobility Lab (TESMOL)

The Laboratory of “Transport Economics and Sustainable Mobility” (TESMOL) was established at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Business and International Studies, and operates under the No 20153196 Min. Decision (Government Gazette 1194 / issue B / 22.06.2015) at the University of Piraeus.

TESMOL’s purpose is twofold: (i) to be a provider of valid and basic applied research promoting the design and development of scientific knowledge and (ii) to cover educational and research needs, in both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, not only of the Economics Department but also of the Faculty of Economics, Business and International Studies, and of the University of Piraeus in general.


The objective of TESMOL is to undertake research in the fields Economics, Business and Transport Policy (Land, Air and Sea Transport), Project Evaluation, Transport Logistics, Environment and Energy as expressed through the concept of sustainable mobility at international, European, national, regional and local level.

The research activity of TESMOL is focused on promoting scientific knowledge in the abovementioned fields of study.


TESMOL actively supports teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate courses relevant to its research interests, both within the Department of Economics and at the University of Piraeus in general. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following courses:

  • Transport Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • Transport and Maritime Policy
  • Economics of Energy and Natural Resources
  • Transport Management Transport and Shipping Economics

Moreover, apart from its main objective of training undergraduate and graduate students in conducting basic applied research (through doctoral dissertations), TESMOL will also elaborate funded research projects. The latter objective will be enhanced through partnerships developed with both the public and private sector for the provision of adequate services in:

  • Research – Projects
  • Training
  • Consulting
  • Partnerships with Research programs

TESMOL will aim at collaborating with research centers in Greece and abroad in order to promote the exchange of knowledge, data, and co-generation of research studies related to the subject of the Laboratory. 


TESMOL is staffed with seven faculty members from the University of Piraeus whose research and teaching interests are as follows:

Assist. Prof. Michelacakis Nickolas (Director of TESMOL)

Prof. Psillaki Maria

Prof. Paravantis Ioannis

Assoc. Prof. Eleftheriou Konstantinos

Assoc. Prof. Polemis Michael

Assist. Prof. Kokores Ioanna

Assist. Prof. Tselekounis Markos

Emeritus Prof. Sambracos Evangelos

Dr. Maniati Marina


Moreover, the Laboratory is staffed with three PhD students, ten research assistants and support staff.

TESMOL’s members have participated in more than 30 research projects funded by the private sector, the European Union or national resources, which cover in detail the above scientific fields. The research findings of Diploma theses, Doctoral theses and all of TESMOL’s research activities are published in both scientific journals and conference proceedings.


Visit to the Piraeus Container Terminal 

The Laboratory of “Transport Economics and Sustainable Mobility” (TESMOL) of the Department of Economics 1

at the University of Piraeus – with the financial assistance of the M.Sc. in «Bioeconomics, Circular Economics and Sustainable Development» of the same Department- in cooperation with Dr. Marina Maniati, Adjunct Faculty and instructor for the class «Transportation and Shipping Economics», had the pleasure to organize an educational vist to facilities of the Piraeus Container Terminal S.A.

The visit took place on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, and its aim was to bring those of the Department’s future graduates that are pursuing a career in the shipping sector 2
in contact
with people with knowledge and experiences relevant to the operation of a modern and internationally competitive container port.

20 students, accompanied by TESMOL’s Director, Professor N. Michelakakis, as well as 3 
Dr. Maniati, were given a tour of the facilities of PCT S.A. led by its Commercial Director, Mr. Anastasios Vamvakidis, Senior Commercial Officer Ms. Marina Omar, and Commercial Officer Ms. Olga Karamolegou. The tour was followed by a presentation and an extensive discussion regarding the competitive advantages of the container port, management methods, the emphasis given to the development of combined transportation methods and the future investment plans of the port in general.



Laboratory of Transport Economics and Sustainable Mobility (TESMOL)

80, Karaoli kai Dimitriou str.

Piraeus 18534, Attika, Greece

Tel: (+30) 210 414 2289


Bioeconomy and Sustainable Growth Laboratory

The “Bioeconomy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development” Laboratory was founded with the aim of becoming an authoritative scientific body for the integration of the 17 Sustainable Development and Circular Economy Goals into the operating model of businesses and organizations and the country’s development strategy, through the implementation of studies and sustainability reports, the provision of consulting services to organizations and businesses, the organization of education and training programs and other activities.

For more information, please visit the Lab’s website.

Local and Regional Development Lab (LORED)

The Local and Regional Development Lab (LADP) addresses economic issues in a broad set of local and regional policy areas, including taxation, health care, energy, education, development, inequality, trade, fiscal regulation, innovation and the environment. The staff of the Laboratory have served in various consulting positions in the Private sector or worked as consultants to both general and regional administrations around the world.

For more information, please visit the Lab’s website.

Economics of Financial Markets, Risk Management and Corporate Governance Lab (EFMRCG)

The Laboratory “Economics of Money Markets, Risk Management and Corporate Governance” (EOHFRA), of the Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus, was founded and operates in accordance with Ministerial Decision 201719532 (Government Gazette 15226/Issue B’ 1603/10.05.2017).

In a constantly evolving economic environment, the role and mission that the Public University is called to play in modern society has changed dramatically.

The Laboratory was established with the aim of meeting the research needs and educational purposes of the Department of Economics and the University of Piraeus in general, but also to contribute with research, studies and expertise that it will undertake on behalf of private and public companies or agencies, Ministries, the European Union and International Organizations or Institutions in the development of the country.

This is achieved by taking into account various factors such as: modern economic theory, the institutional framework of Corporate Governance at European, International and National level, the operation and institutional framework of financial markets, modern means of financing and risk management and finally international trends in specific subject of study.

For more information, please visit the lab’s website.

Strategic Leadership & Digital Transformation Lab (iLeads)

The iLEADS Laboratory aims to develop and share expertise in the scientific areas that make up the field of Strategic Leadership, while creating a set of digital transformation tools and methods necessary for the modern, internationalized economic environment.

For more information, please visit the lab’s website website.

Publications and Working Papers

Publications and working papers fromt the Department’s research personnel can be found at IDEAS RePEc (Research Papers in Economics). Our Department is in the process of creating its own Working Paper Series.

SPOUDAI - Journal of Economics and Business

The Department hosts the SPOUDAI – Journal of Economics and Business, the only Greek Journal, with an award from the Academy of Athens, that publishes theoretical and empirical papers on contemporary issues of economics. 

Research Seminars

Our Department hosts a number of Research Seminars each year, wehre distinguished researchers from Greece and abroad present their current work. In particular, research seminars fall broadly under two categories:

  1. Seminars, workshops and poster sessions of the Joint Economic Research Seminars (JERS) initiative, and
  2. The Department’s Internal Seminars.

What is JERS:

The Joint Economic Research Seminar Series (JERS) is an online meeting point for faculty and researchers from collaborating Departments of Economics from the following Greek Universities

  • University of Piraeus (host)
  • University of Ioannina
  • University of Macedonia
  • Athens University of Economics and Business
  • University of Crete
  • National & Kapodistrian University of Athens 
The creation of an interactive research community linking the majority of Greece’s Economics Department, with the ultimate goal of disseminating knowledge, strengthening interdepartmental collaborations and extroversion of Greek Economics Departments by making use of new communication technologies (platforms).
JERS are comprised of:
  • JERS {Seminars} – 8 presentations of high-quality research articles by foreign researchers (frequency: 1 presentation per month, presentation duration: 1 hour),
  • JERS {Workshops} –  4 workshops aimed at new and active researchers (Saturday 10.30-12.30), and
  • JERS {Event} – 1 poster session, a short presentation of PhD candidates job market papers (Saturday 10.30-13.30).
Each University’s Economics Department that becomes a member of JERS designates two representatives (through the Department’s General Assembly). The representatives of all member-departments constitute the organizing committee that sets the JERS agenda. 

University of Piraeus:
Claire Economidou (overall coordination & organization of JERS)
Katerina Karadimitropoulou (contact person of JERS speakers)
Vasilis Katavelis (JERS IT support):
University of Ioannina:
Nikos Tsakiris
Vasilis Logothetis
University of Macedonia:
Thodoros Panagiotidis
Anastasia Litina
Athens University of Economics & Business:
  • Department of Economics:
Vaggelis Vasilatos
Giannis Kospentaris
  • Department of International & European Economic Studies:
Pantelis Kammas
Nicolas Topaloglou
University of Crete:
Giorgos Stamatopoulos
Grigoris Emvalomatis
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens:
Frago Kourandi
Georgios Dotsis

In the Department’s Internal Seminars, our faculty members and PhD students present their current research. The purpose of these seminars is to receive feedback, to exchange ideas, to increase the synergy of the Department and to prepare the Department’s PhD students for conferences and possibly the job market.

Undergraduate Studies

Our Department offers an Undergraduate Degree in Economics in Greek. However, certain courses may be offered in English or allow non-Greek speakers to enroll under the auspices of the Erasmus+ mobility program. To check which classes are available under this scheme, please check the following sections.

Attention for Erasmus+ Students: Please read carefully through the University’s Office of International and Public Relations website for all information pertaining to your studies while at our university. Pay especially close attention to sections “Mobility for Studies” and the F.A.Q.


Postgraduate Studies

The Department of Economics offers five Master’s programs:

M.Sc. Economic & Business Strategy

The Master’s Program in Economic and Business Strategy is the only one of its kind in our country and the longest-running master’s program in our department. It was established in 2001 to equip its graduates with appropriate specialized knowledge and sufficient tools to gain a comparative advantage in the labor market.

Financial and business strategy is fundamental to the structure, organization and operation of firms in a competitive and ever-changing globalized environment. Businesses must strategize their goals, as well as the means they will use to achieve them. Both the uniqueness of the program in the Greek economy and the successful careers of its graduates for over 2 decades make it one of the best options for those with a restless and creative spirit. The program combines the analysis offered by economic theory with practical application, which is enriched and documented through case studies and real events presented by market executives.

For more information, please visit the program’s website.

Health Economics & Management

The Master’s Program “Health Economics and Management” is aimed at students who are employed or aim to be employed in the health sector.

Students come from various fields of Health Sciences (Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, etc.), Economics & Business (Finance, Business Administration, etc.), and Applied Sciences (Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics , IT, etc.) among others. Students may be young graduates or professionals from different fields including: clinicians and health professionals from the public and private sector, analysts and executives of insurance organizations and companies, employed in the field of financial management and administration of health services, members of government and non-governmental organizations and Regulatory Authorities, executives of pharmaceutical companies and consulting companies regarding the economic evaluation and pricing of health services.

The program offers the necessary tools for obtaining specialization by combining the application of economic theories and methodologies in the analysis of the health sector with the design and policy analysis in the financing and provision of health services and analyzes contemporary problems arising in the management of health organizations both in the public as well as the private sector.

The main objective of the program is to provide postgraduate students with contemporary knowledge that focuses on both their theoretical and practical training in order to develop or develop skills that will prepare them to respond in the best possible way to the ever-increasing challenges of the health sector .

For more information please visit the program website by clicking here.

Economics of Education & Management of Educational Units

The aim of the Program is the study and research of the economic aspects of the educational process with an emphasis on the role of human capital in the modern environment, the concept of leadership in an educational context, the financial evaluation of resources for education, the financial management of educational units and the study and design effective educational policies and programs in a national and European context.

For more information, please visit the program’s website.

Bioeconomy, Circural Economy and Sustainable Development

The MSc in Bioeconomy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary study program of the Department of Economics of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies of the University of Piraeus.

The purpose of the program is to provide specialized knowledge in the fields of bioeconomy and sustainable development. For this purpose, theory and applied analysis in the fields of bioeconomy and sustainable development are approached in an interdisciplinary way as a tool for healthy entrepreneurship and innovative development.

This program combines the knowledge, practical skills and developments that characterize the modern business environment, thereby equipping executives with the necessary tools that will allow them to implement practices to minimize negative impacts for the preservation of biodiversity as a main element of a smart and ecological development in both the public and private sectors. At the same time, based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, it provides the appropriate resources for the preparation of sustainability studies for businesses, organizations and wider entities.

Through the curriculum, an attempt is made to provide theoretical and applied economic analysis as tools to research achievements in the bioeconomy, innovation and sustainable development. Finally, the development of the abilities of graduates and executives to delineate and assess contemporary financial needs with a multidisciplinary approach, making the most of existing knowledge and experiences.

For more information, please visit the program’s website.

Applied Public Economics & Policy

The M.Sc. “Applied Public Finance and Policy” is aimed at new graduates, but also those already working as specialist senior executives in the public sector or other organizations operating in sectors directly affected by public policy, such as banks, consultancies, foundations and NGOs.

The program accepts graduates of Economics, Business Administration or other related degrees, aiming:

to equip students with the fundamental knowledge necessary for employment in the field of public finance

to bring students into contact with the most modern problems that concern and will concern the public sector in the future
to offer freedom of choice to the student according to his interests, covering as wide a range of subjects as possible through two majors and electives
to prepare students for doctoral-level graduate studies
to create qualified scientists, capable of meeting needs in matters of effective administration of the public sector.

For more information, please visit the program’s website.

For the Financial Reports of our master’s programs for the academic years 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, click here(in Greek).

Doctoral Studies

The Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus, in accordance with the applicable provisions and legislation, provides the possibility of undertaking a doctoral thesis (Ph.D), provided the proposed research falls within the research interests of the Faculty members of the Department. Doctoral research should contribute to the promotion of science and be publishable in highly prestigious international conferences and scientific journals.

Postdoctoral research

The Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus, in accordance with the applicable provisions and legislation, provides the opportunity to undertake postdoctoral research (post-doc), provided the proposed research falls within the research interests of the Faculty members of the Department. Postdoctoral research should contribute to the promotion of science and be publishable in highly prestigious international conferences and scientific journals.

Distance and Lifelong Learning

The e-learning program “Economics of Consumers, Firms and Institutions” operates under the auspices of the Department of Economics, supervised by the University of Piraeus’ Training and Lifelong Learning Center (KEDIVIM), and aims to educate students in various topics of interest.