For Students
7 January 2024 2024-02-05 14:20
- January 7, 2024
- 1:56 pm
For Students
1. Where can I be informed about the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science and its programs?
On the website of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science you can find all the necessary information. More specifically, in the Undergraduate Studies → Studies section . In the same section, the Department’s Study Guide is available, which contains detailed information on the courses and the Semester Program, including the course outlines and other information on the compulsory courses, elective courses, credit units, lecturers etc.
2. Where is the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science located?
The Department Secretariat is located in office 115, on the 1st floor and the Chair’s Office is located in office 536, on the 5th floor in the main building of the University of Piraeus at 80, Karaoli and Dimitriou Street. On the ground floor of the same building, in room 006, are the Laboratories of the Department. The offices of the teaching staff are housed in the main building of the University of Piraeus at 80, Karaoli and Dimitriou Street, as well as in the building of the University of Piraeus at 126 Gr. Lambraki Street.
3. How is it possible to access the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science by using Public Transport?
The following transit lines have routes that pass near the University of Piraeus.
• Bus: 040 , 049 , 218 , 703 , A1
• Metro: M1
For students, a monthly multi-trip card is available for 13.50 euros, which they can issue at any metro station.
4. When can I make my initial registration in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science?
At the deadlines announced every year by the Ministry of Education and Religion. A related announcement is also posted in the Announcements of the Department.
5. I am a first year student, where can I find guidelines for my studies?
Detailed instructions are given in the link below:
Guides for students (also to create an institutional account)
6. What days and hours does the Secretariat is available for students and what are the methods of communication I can use?
Due to the special conditions created by the pandemic, the Secretariat is available for students daily by phone or by e-mail. Communication with students in person, by appointment only, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and since requests cannot be served remotely. After the end of the pandemic, the Secretariat will again follow its old operating hours and will accept students without an appointment, on the above days and times.
The contact details of the Secretariat of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science are as follows:
Address: 80 Karaoli kai Dimitriou, 18534, Piraeus, 1st floor , room 115
Phones: 210.4142083 -7, 2104142222
7. Where can I find all the forms/applications I will need during my studies?
All the forms/applications you will need during your studies are posted on the Department’s website in the field For Students → Secretariat Forms .
8. How can I contact the professors of the Department?
The contact details (telephone and e-mail) and the offices of the teachers of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science are posted in the section Staff → Teaching and Research Staff
The professors’ office hours during which they accept students are posted at the beginning of the academic semester on the Department’s website.
9. How do I renew my registration?
By submitting a course declaration at the beginning of each academic semester, on dates determined by the Dean of the School of Finance and Statistics and announced by the Department Secretariat.
10. What procedure do I have to follow for removal from the Department?
• Students who have been admitted through Panhellenic exams to another Department or School and wish to be deleted from our department, submit a request for deletion through the Ministry’s electronic application.
• Students who wish to be removed from the Department for other reasons submit a request for removal to the Department Secretariat. The relevant application is available on the Department’s website in the section For Students → Secretariat Forms . If the application is sent then it must be authenticated as to the authenticity of the applicant’s signature.
In both cases, the student is required to submit his Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass) to the Department’s Secretariat.
11. How can I request interruption/suspension of studies?
By submitting an application for interruption/suspension of studies to the Department Secretariat at the beginning of each academic semester. The relevant application is available on the Department’s website in the field Student Affairs → Secretariat Forms .
The student may request an interruption of studies for an even number of semesters, due to the sequence of courses and not more than the minimum number of semesters required to obtain the degree, unless the interruption is due to proven health reasons or force majeure.
For as long as the interruption/suspension of studies lasts, the student’s Academic Identity Card – Special Ticket (pass) is deposited at the Department Secretariat.
12. What is the procedure for creating an institutional account and gaining access to the University’s online services?
In order to have access to the University’s online services, it is necessary to create an institutional account.
As soon as the entry of your data into the Information System of the Secretariat is complete, you should visit the service , where, using the mobile phone or the e-mail you registered in the system of the Ministry of Education and of Religion, you will be able to create your institutional account. There the system will give you your username and give you the possibility to enter your password. During the uregister process don’t forget to register a valid mobile and a valid email to recover your password in case of loss.
Also, you should know that uregister confirms certain information (such as your e-mail, mobile phone, first and last name, patronymic and AMKA), so if there is an error in the information you have registered in the system of the Ministry of Education and Religions, you may encounter a problem when creating the account and need to correct your details through the Secretariat.
Complementary to the uregister service is the service , from where you can recover or change your account password, if you have forgotten it, through the recovery email or mobile number you indicated during creation of your institutional account via uregister.
13. What is the electronic system ?
It is the online application of the Electronic Secretariat. From this application you can:
• to be informed about the courses of the study program, the teachers, the recommended books, etc.
• submit registration statements and course statements each academic semester.
• to be informed about the score in the courses you have been examined.
• receive study certificates immediately and in electronic form.
This application is accessed through your personal passwords.
14. How are courses declared?
The declaration of the courses of each academic semester is done by the students through the electronic system , on the deadlines announced by the University of Piraeus.
15. Is my eclass registration also a course registration?
No. Courses are registered exclusively through the electronic system while eclass is the asynchronous teaching platform.
16. How many courses can I register for?
Students following the 2017 Curriculum and later must declare a number of Elective courses of their semester of study in order to complete (together with the corresponding Compulsory courses) exactly 30 ECTS credits. Specifically, depending on the semester they are studying, they should choose:
Semester | 1 o | 2 o | 3 o | 4 o | 5 o | 6 o | 7 o | 8 o |
elective courses | 1 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Students following the 2011-2016 Curriculum must declare a number of Elective courses of their semester of study in order to complete (together with the corresponding Compulsory courses) exactly 30 ECTS credits. Specifically, depending on the semester they are studying, they should choose:
Semester | 1 o | 2 o | 3 o | 4 o | 5 o | 6 o | 7 o | 8 o |
elective courses | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Students following the 2001-2010 Curriculum may register up to 6 elective courses per semester (apart from the mandatory ones that the student may owe).
Students following the 2000 Curriculum and earlier should in any case contact the Secretariat regarding the assignment and examination of their due courses.
All the courses of the academic semester in which the student is in can be declared, in accordance with the aforementioned as well as those owed from previous semesters of studies, provided that they belong respectively to the spring or winter semester (depending on the period of declaration of the courses).
It is not allowed to declare courses for semesters longer than the student’s semester of study.
An elective course that has not been examined or does not have a transferable grade, may be replaced with another elective course, taking into account that the number of essays the student is entitled to receive cannot exceed the prescribed number of courses for obtaining a degree.
More detailed information can be found in the Undergraduate Studies Regulations , posted on the Department’s website.
17. In how many courses do I have the right to regrading?
The students of the Department are entitled, by applying to the Secretariat before the start of each examination period, to improve their grades in six courses, in their entire studies. The grade improvement of each course is allowed only once. The request for regrading contains a waiver of the student’s existing transferable grade. Therefore if when re-examining a course:
• if a transferable grade occurs, the new transferable one is registered.
• if a non-transferable grade occurs, the non-transferable grade is recorded, in which case the student owes the course and can be re-examined any examination period he wishes and the course in question is examined.
• if the student does not come to be examined, no grade is registered and the student (after having waived the previous grade that can be promoted) owes the course and may be examined any examination period he wishes and the course in question is examined.
18. What should I pay attention to when registering online for winter and spring semester courses?
I take care of the timely submission of the declaration of the courses, within the deadlines that are announced and certainly several days before the deadline, so that in case I encounter any technical problem, there is sufficient time to solve it.
After completing the declaration, make sure to press submit the declaration to the system. After submitting the declaration, I log back into the system and check that my application has been submitted correctly. I print and keep the statement of courses I submitted.
It is pointed out that after the expiration of the relevant deadline, the system closes and it is not possible to submit a course declaration (with the corresponding consequences for the ability of students to participate in the workshops and exams of the courses).
The Secretariat cannot help in any way the students who did not submit a declaration, for this reason it is important that they do not neglect to submit the declaration.
19. Are there courses with compulsory attendance in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science?
The attendance of the teaching (lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars, etc.) of the courses by the students is as a rule optional, but the teacher can define compulsory attendance of some of the laboratory exercises of the course.
20. How can I issue a simple study certificate or for military use?
You can issue and print a simple study certificate or for military use at home via the application . This certificate has an electronic signature and is accepted by all public and private sector bodies.
To print the certificates, follow the steps for issuing Electronic Documents .
In case you wish to receive a certificate with an original signature, a request is sent to the Department Secretariat via the application and you receive it 1-2 working days later, by appointment.
21. How can I issue a detailed rating for internal or external use?
In case you want a detailed score for internal use, send a request to the Secretariat of the Department through the application https:// and you will receive it after 1-2 working days, on the days and times served by Secretariat.
In case you want a detailed score for use abroad, send a relevant request to the Secretariat of the Department through the application https:// and you will receive it after 3-4 working days, on the days and times served by Secretariat.
22. Is free software provided for educational use to students of the Department?
Free commercial software for educational use is available to the students of the University of Piraeus, via the website , which includes instructions for each available software.
23. Which asynchronous teaching platform does the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science use?
The Department of Statistics and Insurance uses the platform where you can register with your institutional account, from “Registration → Student → Login with institutional account”. For information and support on the platform, contact the email eclass @ unipi . gr or the email helpdesk @ unipi . gr . For more detailed information follow the link below:
Guide for freshmen (creating an institutional account)
24. Which modern teaching platform does the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science use?
To conduct modern teaching, the University of Piraeus has installed the Microsoft Teams platform, which is centrally supported by the University’s services and used by all Academic Departments. Due to the special conditions created by the pandemic, all the courses of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science are carried out remotely with electronic teaching.
Detailed instructions to students for the Microsoft Teams platform are provided at the following link:
Also, frequently asked questions-answers for the Microsoft Teams platform are provided at the following link: /various/ilekt_ipiresies/FAQ_v_1_01.pdf
25. Is there a Wireless Network/ wi-fi at the University?
All areas of the University are covered by a free wireless wi-fi network called unipi. You can connect to it either with a laptop or from your mobile phone, without using a password.
26. Where can I find instructions for participating in remote exams?
Click on the following link: Instructions to students for distance exams
27. Can I access University services remotely?
Of course, there is the University’s internal network access service (VPN service) and it provides the possibility of using the University’s electronic services from remote locations or networks, such as e.g. from home Internet connections. Through this service, it is possible, for example, to access the content of electronic scientific books, journals and databases that the Library has, from jobs outside the University. More information about this service can be found at
28. Does the University provide students with an e-mail account?
No. Undergraduate students are not provided with the ability to obtain email at this time.
29. How can I issue an Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass)?
Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass) is mandatory for all registered students. It is issued after an application to the Electronic Service for Obtaining an Academic Identity – Special Ticket (pass) of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs at the address . In order to be able to carry out the online application for the granting of an Academic Identity Card – Special Ticket (pass) by a student of the first cycle of studies, the access codes (username-password) are required that are granted to the registered students by the relevant Department and are used for its electronic services Institution to which it belongs.
In case the student has not received the relevant codes, as well as for any other access problems, he can contact the Secretariat of his Department or the Network Center of his Institution.
After successfully logging into the system, the student must confirm the correctness of his details. In case the student discovers any mistake, he should contact the Secretariat of his Department or the Network Center of his Institution, in order to make the relevant correction. Next, the student should fill in the rest of the personal information that will be requested.
30. Are there specific dates on which I need to apply to get my Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass)?
Students can submit an online application to obtain an Academic Identity – Special Ticket (pass) throughout the academic year. Detailed information about the procedures related to the issuance and receipt of the Academic Identity – Special Ticket (pass) can be found at the following link:
31. For how many years am I entitled to an Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass)?
The use of the Academic ID to prove the student’s identity in academic procedures, e.g. participation in the exams, valid until they graduate from the Department.
However, only the Academic IDs of the students will have validity and a Ticket for their movements, so that they are entitled to the discounts provided by the current legislation:
a) full study of the first cycle of studies who do not already hold a university degree for the number of years required to obtain a degree according to the indicative study program increased by two (2) years.
b) partial study of the first cycle of studies who do not already hold a university degree for twice as many years as are required to obtain a degree according to the indicative curriculum.
c) member states of the European Union and third countries, who study at national HEIs within the framework of the mobility program of the European Union “Erasmus” for the duration of their studies at the national HEI.
Termination of student status for any reason (interruption, deletion) automatically means termination of the right to hold the Academic ID, which in this case should be returned to the Department Secretariat.
32. How can I reissue an Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass) due to loss/theft?
In case of loss/theft of the Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass) the student presents to the Department Secretariat the relevant declaration of loss/theft from the police and requests the reissuance of the Academic Identity – Special Ticket (pass). Following the reissuance approval by the Secretariat, the process of obtaining the Academic ID – Special Ticket (pass) is repeated from the beginning.
33. How can I register my documents and where will I receive them?
The declaration and receipt of transcripts for each academic semester is carried out electronically through the website of the “Eudoxos” system , following a relevant announcement from the Department’s Secretariat. In order for a student to be able to make a statement of writings, the access codes (username – password) are required that are granted to registered students by the relevant Department and are used for the electronic services of the Institution to which it belongs.
The collection points of the documents you have declared are specified on the website of the “Eudoxos” system .
We point out that the declaration of co-authorships in “Eudoxos” must definitely agree with the declaration of courses on per semester.
34. Where do I go for any questions/questions regarding the “Eudoxos” system?
On the website of the “Eudoxos” system, specifically in the “Frequently Asked Questions” field , you will find answers to all your possible questions.
35. Where can I find information about feeding and housing?
For students who are entitled to meals, the platform operates through the Student Welfare department, where you can register your application and upload the necessary supporting documents.
From the same platform, students who meet the necessary criteria can apply for accommodation in a student residence. All instructions are posted on the website of the Student Affairs department .
36. Are prizes – scholarships – stipends awarded to students?
Entrance Scholarships, Merit Scholarships, Entrance Awards and Merit Awards are awarded to undergraduate students in accordance with the State Scholarship Foundation’s (I.K.Y.) “Higher Education Scholarships Regulation – Merit Scholarships and Awards Scheme”.
37. Where can I find information about the Internship?
The internship is an elective course included in the 7th and 8th semester of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science.
Information about the Internship can be found on the department’s website and in particular in the section Undergraduate Studies → Internship Program , as well as on the Piraeus University’s internship website and in the “ATLAS” Student Internship Central Support System .
38. Where can I find information about the Erasmus Programme?
On the website of the department and in particular in the section Undergraduate Studies → Erasmus Program , as well as on the Erasmus Website of the University of Piraeus .
39. What are Study Advisors and how can they help?
Faculty members of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science (by subject) have been appointed as Academic Advisors. Study Advisors inform, inform and advise students on all matters of their studies and their subsequent professional careers, advise and support first-year students in order to facilitate the transition from secondary to higher education and provide special supportive care to students who they face family, personal or other difficulties in successfully completing their studies. More detailed information is given on the website of the Department in the section Department → Department Committees and in the Regulations of Undergraduate Studies .
40. What are the requirements for obtaining a degree?
For the requirements for receiving a degree by study program, consult the department’s website in the field Undergraduate Studies → Study Programs as well as the study guide posted on the Department’s website.
41. How can I request a certificate of participation in the exams?
Each teacher completes and signs the certificate of participation in the course examination.
42. What do I do when I finish all my obligations, in order to be declared a graduate of the Department?
I send or present to the Department’s Secretariat an application for the declaration of a graduate. The relevant application is posted on the Department’s website in the field Student Affairs → Secretariat Forms .
The application must be accompanied by the receipt for printing the student’s parchment. For the issuance of the receipt, contact the Accounting Office of the University of Piraeus (80 Karaoli and Dimitriou, 4th floor).
43. When do I have to swear?
Swearing-in ceremonies take place three times a year, one for each examination period, according to the Academic Calendar of the University of Piraeus. The student who is declared a graduate is automatically included by the Department’s Secretariat in the Department’s next inauguration. The exact date and time of each swearing-in ceremony, as well as the names of the announced students participating in it, are announced on the website of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science.
In the current period, due to the special conditions created by the pandemic, the swearing-in ceremonies are not taking place.
44. Is it mandatory to participate in an oath-taking ceremony?
Yes, based on the Internal Regulation of the University of Piraeus, it is mandatory to attend the swearing-in ceremony in order to receive your official degree.
45. Are postgraduate studies offered at the Department?
The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science operates two Master’s Degree Programs. Detailed information on each of them can be found on the Department’s website in the field of Postgraduate Studies .
46. What do I need to request a letter of recommendation?
Most graduate programs in Greece and abroad, as well as many employers, require candidates to accompany their applications for studies or work with letters of recommendation.
Each professor has specific criteria for accepting to write a letter of recommendation, criteria that are usually linked to the academic performance of the students in the courses they have taught.
When requesting a letter of recommendation from a Professor, be sure to provide the following information:
• Description of the graduate program you are interested in along with an online link to search for more information.
• The deadline for submitting the letter of recommendation.
• The format and method of submission of the letter of recommendation (printed or on a digital platform).
• Your detailed score in all courses.
• Complete and up-to-date CV.
• Your full contact details.
47. Where is the University Library and what are its opening hours?
The Library of the University of Piraeus is housed in the main building of the University, in the second basement. Its entrance is on the central circular staircase in the middle of the ground floor. Also, for the disabled, the elevator on the left side of the building is used. It is addressed to professors, researchers and students and its mission is to support education and research.
The Library consists of three main areas:
• The Reception Area, where the movement area of the material, the closed collection, rare collections and the computers for searching the catalog and information sources are located,
• The Library, which houses the entire printed library collection, the photocopier and computers for readers, and
• The Reading Room, where there are dictionaries, displays with the latest issues of printed magazines and other informational material.
In the current period, due to the special conditions created by the pandemic, the Library remains closed. After the end of the pandemic, the library will reopen and will be open every day from Monday to Friday 08:00-20:00.
For more information about the services offered, you can visit the Library’s website.
48. What is the University Liaison Office?
The basic aim of the Liaison Office is the multifaceted support of students/graduates for their smooth integration into the labor market and for a successful career. It promotes the development of dynamic partnerships and the service of four poles, the Students & Graduates of the University, the Teaching & Research Staff of the University, Businesses, public and private bodies and organizations and Secondary Education.
For more information about the services offered, you can visit the website of the Liaison Office .
49. What is the University Counseling Center?
The Counseling Center of the University of Piraeus functions as a place of Meeting, Support, Communication and Intervention, with the aim of helping students deal with any difficulties they have during their studies.
The intervention and treatment of the resulting needs can be done either through individual and group psychological counseling, or through conducting seminars focusing on promoting the academic adjustment of the student population.
For more information about the services offered, you can visit the website of the Counseling Center .
50. What can I do after I graduate? What can my professional rehabilitation be?
Graduates of the Department are equipped with the required knowledge to be employed as statisticians or data scientists in research and application centers (polls, market research, medical centers, etc.), in the private and public sector or as actuaries, analysts and risk assessors in insurance companies and insurance organizations and even as quantitative investment analysts and risk management officers in banks. Graduates of the Department can be appointed to public services, companies, organizations, Banks, the Statistical Service and other bodies dealing with Statistics, such as KEPE, EKKE, etc. They can also teach in technical and vocational education, after studying in the corresponding department of ASPAITE to obtain a certificate of pedagogical competence. In the private sector, they can be employed in insurance companies or other businesses and financial units as senior employees, researchers, analysts, financial advisors, etc.
51. Are graduates of our Department required to take exams in order to obtain an insurance broker license?
Yes, they are not exempt from the relevant exams.
52. What do I do if I have a technical problem or question?
For technical support you can contact e-mail (Institutional account) and (other central electronic services of the University) stating the problem, your registration number and a screenshot of the error message/problem you are facing.
For technical problems related to services managed by external entities, you should contact the external entity.
For problems related to the correction/editing of your data in the student log and general procedural issues of your studies, you should contact the department’s Secretariat at the e-mail address .
53. Can I get a certificate of knowledge of IT or computer operation from the Department?
The Department grants a certificate of knowledge of Informatics or computer operation, if the student during his studies has been successfully examined in at least four (4) courses which, according to relevant decisions of the Department’s Assembly, document the corresponding knowledge. The courses that cover the necessary conditions per study program are listed in detail on the website of the Department of Undergraduate Studies → Study Guide .
54. Am I entitled to request an oral examination in the courses during the examination periods?
Students with proven dyslexia, prior to their admission to the Department, are entitled to an oral examination, after their application, accompanied by the relevant supporting documents, at the Secretariat. An oral examination is also foreseen in special cases proven by official supporting documents from Public Hospitals, which are submitted to the Secretariat before the examination of the course, in accordance with the Undergraduate Studies Regulation , article 6. “Exams – Regulation of Conducting Examinations”.
The professional rights of the graduates of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science are described in the following two Government Gazette Issues (FEK):
N2515-97 members of the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, article 1, par. 4.1 (Right to register graduates as members of the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (H.E.E.)
Presidential Decree 50 (Article 4, Determination of Qualifications for Appointment to Public Positions, PE Administrative and/or Financial Branch)
1 | General application | It is submitted to the Secretariat by each interested party in order to formulate their request | |
2 | Request for certificates | It is submitted to the Secretariat by each interested party, after choosing their status and the certificate they wish to receive | |
3 | Application for suspension of studies | It is submitted to the Secretariat by each interested student at the start of the academic semester, stating the period of time and the reason he wishes to suspend his studies | |
4 | Application for deletion from the Department | It is submitted to the Secretariat in case a student wishes to be removed from the Department. | |
5 | Application for regrading/reexamination | Submitted to the Secretariat by students who wish to re-grade/re-examine courses that have already been successfully examined and wish to improve their grade, in accordance with the Department’s Study Regulations | |
6 | Graduate declaration application | It is submitted to the Secretariat by every student who has successfully passed all the courses required to obtain a degree in the Department’s curriculum, in order to start the process of declaring him a graduate | |
7 | Responsible declaration of additional Courses | It is submitted to the Secretariat during the period of declarations by students who wish to declare and examine courses beyond the required number of elective courses to receive the degree | |
8 | Application for classification | It is submitted to the Secretariat within the deadlines announced by graduates of other Schools who wish to participate in the Department’s qualifying exams together with the necessary supporting documents | |
9 | Transfer request | It is submitted to the Secretariat by students who enroll in the Department after transfer | |
10 | Responsible for Deletion Authorization Statement | Submitted to the Secretariat by students who enroll in our Department after transfer and authorize the Secretariat to request their deletion from the Department of Origin | |
11 | Application for recognition of courses | It is submitted to the Secretariat by students who enroll in the Department after transfer, placement or pan-Hellenic exams and wish to recognize the grades of courses in which they have been successfully examined in the Department of origin. | |
12 | Graduate certification form and Responsible Declaration | It is completed by the prospective graduates on the day of their swearing-in and delivered to the Secretariat. Aims at recording/updating student contact details, delivering student documents and declaring no pending issues with the library and student residences | |
13 | Graduate Oath | A form given to students before their swearing-in ceremony that lists the oath they are reciting | |
14 | Affirmation | Responsible Declaration completed in free text by the students on any subject that concerns them and for which there is no other relevant form | |
15 | Responsible Information Statement for the maintenance-processing by the Secretariat of personal data | Responsible declaration given to the students during their identification process (completion of registration) and concerns the information about the maintenance-processing of personal data by the Secretariat. It is signed and registered by the Secretariat in each student’s file |
Program of the Department’s Academic Advisors for the spring semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023
For issues related to: | Study Advisor | Days and Hours of Student Service | Link to MsTeams |
Mathematics | Professor B. Sevroglou | Friday 16:00 – 17:00 27.10.2023 24.11.2023 22.12.2023 26.01.2024 | |
Information Technology | Associate Professor N. Pelekis | Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 26.10.2023 23.11.2023 21.12.2023 25.01.2024 | |
Statistics and Probability | Associate Professor G. Tzavelas | Thursday 16:00 – 17:00 26.10.2023 23.11.2023 21.12.2023 25.01.2024 | |
Actuarial and Insurance Science | Associate Professor Eust. Hatzikonstantinides | Wednesday 13:00 – 14:00 25.10.2023 22.11.2023 20.12.2023 24.01.2024 | |
Demography | Professor G. Verropoulou | Wednesday 12:00 – 13:00 25.10.2023 22.11.2023 20.12.2023 24.01.2024 |