DIAVLOS Event Broadcasts

DIAVLOS Event Broadcasts

The DIAVLOS service provides immediate, live and interactive access to audiovisual material of high cultural and scientific value. Through the service, lectures, seminars, artistic events and other events organised or hosted by important cultural, educational and research institutions in the country are broadcast live on the Internet.

The DIAVLOS service is primarily addressed to all members of the country’s research and academic community and covers events organised by organisations that have concluded a cooperation agreement with the GRNET for the provision and distribution of audiovisual content.

During a live webcast, the sound and image received from the venue of an event are transmitted in a digitised and encoded form over the GRNET network, with high-quality and high-resolution capabilities. They are then distributed to online viewers who can watch the event remotely via computers or smart mobile devices (e.g. ‘smart’ phones, laptops and tablets).

Website: diavlos.grnet.gr