PRESS RELEASE – 6th International Staff Week & 3rd International Staff Week for the Consortium of ICM – 23 to 27 September 2024

Piraeus, 27th September 2024


6th Erasmus+ International Staff Week of the University of Piraeus & 3rd International Staff Week of the Consortium of International Credit Mobility
«Innovation and Networking of Higher Education Institutions»

The International Relations Office of the University of Piraeus successfully organized the 6th Erasmus+ International Staff Week and the 3rd International Staff Week of the Consortium of International Credit Mobility titled “Innovation and Networking of Higher Education Institutions” from  23rd to 27th of September 2024.

The event was held in the Conference Hall of the University of Piraeus, with the participation of over 100 partners from Universities across Europe and other regions of the world, including countries from Africa, Asia, and the Balkans. The purpose of the week was to strengthen cooperation and the exchange of best practices among participating institutions, to connect Innovation Hubs within higher education institutions (HEIs), contribute to a vision of internationalization through intercultural dialogue, unite businesses through HEIs, and facilitate the acquisition of new skills by academic and non-academic staff. The event included sessions, workshops, and round tables on topics such as the internationalization of education, innovation, and resilience in higher education.

On the first day, greetings were delivered by the Rector of the University of Piraeus, Professor Michael Ε. Sfakianakis, who welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of Erasmus+ for enhancing the internationalization of Greek universities, alongside him Ms. Adriana Zarakeli, Deputy Mayor for Outreach, Tourism, and European Programs of the Municipality of Piraeus, Ms. Stavroula Sotiropoulou, Deputy Director of the European Programs Department of the Hellenic National Agency (IKY), Professor Spyridon Roukanas Vice Rector for Academic & Administrative Affairs of the University of Piraeus and Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator and Emeritus Professor Athanasios Kyriazis, University of Piraeus and former Secretary General for Research and Innovation at the Ministry of Development. The first day concluded with presentations by Ms. Eva Tsouparopoulou from Hellenic National Agency, Professor Foteini Asderaki, Deputy Chair of the Department of International and European Studies, Emeritus Professor Miltiadis Nektarios, University of Piraeus, and Dr. Christina Kontogoulidou, Head of the International Relations Department of the University of Piraeus.

The second day focused on technological innovation and internationalization, with speeches and workshops by distinguished academics. Associate Professor Konstantinos Petridis, Vice Rector for Internationalization and Outreach of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, spoke on the internationalization of universities through the European Universities Alliances Action, collaboration strategy within the EU, and a workshop on Capacity Building and Erasmus Mundus was held. Gregory Makrides, Professor of Mathematics and STEAME Education at the University of Krakow, Poland, presented an innovative STEM-based education framework, followed by presentations by foreign participants.

The third day was dedicated to the International Mobility Network of Greek Universities through the exchange of experiences and best practices. A round table was organized with the participation of all Greek members of the network, moderated by Vice Rector, Professor Spyridon Roukanas. Participants included Professor Athanasios Zisis, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the National Technical University of Athens, Professor Maria Meng-Papantoni, Vice Rector for International Relations at Panteion University, Professor Maria Michalopoulou, Board Member of Democritus University of Thrace, Associate Professor Konstantinos Petridis, Vice Rector for Internationalization and Outreach of the Hellenic Mediterranean University, and Professor Euthalia Chatzigianni, Vice Rector for International Relations and Outreach at the University of Peloponnese.

Significant contributions were also made by Professor ISHAYA Tanko, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Jos, Professor MECHILI Enkeleint A., Vice Rector for Research and Internationalization at the Universiteti i Vlorës Ismail Qemali, and Professor SAVELIEVA Iryna from the Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

The event concluded on Friday, September 27, with final remarks and a review of the week. University of Piraeus once again strengthened its role as a hub for international academic cooperation and mobility, renewing its commitment to continuing collaboration and promoting new joint initiatives among participating universities and institutions. University of Piraeus continues to promote outreach and international mobility, actively contributing to the enhancement of European and global higher education.

More on the official site:

