Study Programmes

Study Programmes


The accreditation of a curriculum shifts the focus from the assessment of “inputs” to the assessment of “outputs” and more specifically, the achievement of objectives and learning outcomes.

It is a pre-established, reliable and practical procedure. It should therefore be carried out consistently and made public. It includes the following steps:

  • Proposal for accreditation of the Study Programme submitted by the Institution
  • External evaluation of the  Study Programme by a Committee of independent experts, which usually includes an on-site visit to the Institution
  • Submission of the Accreditation Report to the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority for Higher Education, as a result of the accreditation process of the Study Programme.
  • Issuance of a certification decision by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority for Higher Education
  • Continuous monitoring of the progress of the Study Programme by the Internal Quality Assurance System (Quality Assurance and Accreditation Authority for Higher Education)

The accreditation process ensures that the curriculum offered by the Higher Education Institution meets all the formal specifications provided by the Quality Assurance Unit and the relevant institution and that the performance and competencies of graduates of the specific course of study (learning outcomes) correspond to the expected professional qualifications required by society and the labour market. It also certifies that the curriculum meets the minimum quality criteria as defined in the European Higher Education Area.

The certification is a passport for the continuation of studies in Europe and internationally, and increases employment opportunities in Greece and abroad, as the possession of certified qualifications is considered of paramount importance for the entry of graduates into the labour market.


Department of Business Administration

Final Undergraduate Program Certification Report

Department of Industrial Management & Technology

Final Undergraduate Program Certification Report

Department of Statistics and Insurance Science

Final Undergraduate Program Certification Report