Economidou Charikleia (Claire)
21 February 2024 2025-02-06 15:10
Economidou Charikleia (Claire)
Professor, Department of Economics
Teaching Field
Dr. Claire Economidou is Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus. Claire joined the Department in 2010 as Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics at the Department of Economics. Four years later, she became Associate Professor (2014) and as for 2018 Claire is (full) Professor of Macroeconomics.
Before joining the University of Piraeus in 2010, Claire worked for six years (2004-2009) as Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics at the Utrecht School of Economics USE), Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Prior to her appointment in the Netherlands, Claire was a trainee for six months at the EUROSTAT (European Commission, Department of Trade), Luxembourg.
She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM, 2004), a Master of Arts (MA) degree in Economics from the University of Macedonia of Thessaloniki, Greece (2000) and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1997).
Her research interests lie on the fields of Economic Growth and Economics of Innovation. More specifically, her current research agenda is mainly concentrated on the mechanisms of knowledge diffusion and their impact on local innovation and growth activity, the role of finance on firms’ innovation performance, the role of institutions (and social capital) in shaping innovation and entrepreneurship, among others.
She has published more than 30 papers in academic journals -some of which are leading in the field- such as the European Economic Review, the Journal of Development Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, among others, and part of her research has been financed by the European Research Grants (Horizon) and the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) grants.
She has supervised Ph.D. and Post-Doc students, whose research was mostly financed by National Fellowships (Bank of Greece), EU (NSRF, Horizon2020) grants. Currently, her research team consists of eight members: Fotis Delis, (Ph.D.), Konstantinos Dellis (Post-Doc), Evangelia Georgiou (Ph.D.), Dimitris Karamanis (Post-Doc), Alexandra Kechrinioti (Ph.D.), Dimitris Konstantios (Ph.D.), Eleni Kyrkopoulou (Post-Doc) and Sofia Xesfingi (Post-Doc).
For full CV, click here.
Undergraduate Courses
- Macroeconomics Ι – Intermediate (3rd semester) – mandatory (Syllabus)
- Economic Growth (7th semester) – mandadory (Syllabus)
- Special Topics in Macroeconomics (8th semester) – elective (Syllabus)
Graduate Courses
M.Sc. in Bioeconomics
- Economics of Innovation (1st semester) – mandadory (syllabus)
1. Kyriakos Drivas, ClaireEconomidou, Ioannis Kaplanis, Maria Theaono Tagaraki, 2023. “Examination of Related Diversification in Laggard Regions.” Papers in Regional Science vol. 102(4), pages 851-869. DOI:
2. Economidou Claire, Dimitrios Gounopoulos, Dimitrios Konstantios and Emmanuel Tsiritakis, 2023. “Is Sustainability Rating Material to the Market?” Financial Management, vol. 52(1), pages 127-179.
3. Bechlioulis Alexandros, Economidou Claire, Dimitrios Karamanis and Dimitrios Konstantios, 2023. “How Important are Capital Controls in Shaping Innovation Activity?” Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 131(C), pages 1027-68.
4. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou, Konstantinos Konstantakis and Panayiotis Michaelides, 2022. “Technological Leaders, Laggards and Spillovers: A Network GVAR Analysis.” Open Economies Review, vol. 33(2), pages 231-269
5. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou, Elena Ketteni and Konstantina Kottaridi, 2021. “Firms’ Knowledge Investment and Market Responses.” Empirical Economics, vol. 61(5), pages 2363-2394
6. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou, Dimitris Karamanis and Mark W.J.L. Sanders, 2020. “Mobility of Highly-Skilled Individuals and Local Innovation Activity.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 158, pages, 120-144.
7. Economidou, Claire, Dimitris Karamanis, Alexandra Kechrinioti & Sofia Xesfingi, 2020. “The Role of Social Capital in Shaping European’s Immigration Sentiments.” IZA Journal of Development and Migration, vol. 11(1), pages 1-31.
8. Souglie, Efrosini, Sophia Dimelis & Claire Economidou, 2019. “Does ISO 9000 Certification Matter for Firm Performance? A Group Analysis of Greek Listed Companies.” International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 209, pages 2-11.
9. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou & Efthymios Tsionas, 2018. “Production of Output and Ideas: Efficiency and Growth Patterns in the US” Regional Studies, vol. 52(1), pages 105-118.
10. Economidou Claire, Luca Grilli, Magnus Henrekson and Mark W.J.L. Sanders 2018. “Financial and institutional reforms for an entrepreneurial society.” Small Business Economics, 51(2), 279-291.
11. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou and Mike Tsionas, 2018. Production of Output and Ideas: “Efficiency and Growth Patterns in the US” Regional Studies, vol. 52(1), pages 105-118
12. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou, Sotiris Karkalakos & Efthymios Tsionas, 2016. “Mobility of Knowledge and Local Innovation Activity“, European Economic Review, vol. 85(C), pages 39-61.
13. Bos, Jaap W.B., Bertrand Candelon & Claire Economidou, 2016. “Does Technology Spill Over across National Borders and Technology Regimes?” Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 46(1), pages 63-82.
14. Drivas Kyriakos, Claire Economidou, Dimitris Karamanis and Arleen Zank, 2016, 2016. “Academic Patents and Technology Transfer“, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, vol. 40, pages 45-63.
15. Drivas, Kyriakos & Economidou, Claire, 2015. “Is Geographic Nearness Important for Trading Ideas? Evidence from the US,” Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 40(4), pages 629-662.
16. Drivas, Kyriakos, Claire Economidou & Sotiris Karkalakos, 2014. “Spatial Aspects of Innovation Activity in the US,” Journal of the Knowledge Economy, vol. 5(3), pages 464-480.
17. Drivas, Kyriakos & Claire Economidou, 2013. “Government sponsorship and nature of patenting activity of US universities and corporations,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 22(8), pages 775-806.
18. Bos, Jaap W.B., Claire Economidou & Mark W.J.L. Sanders, 2013. “Innovation over the industry life-cycle: Evidence from EU manufacturing,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 86(C), pages 78-91.
19. Bos, Jaap W.B., Claire Economidou & Michael Koetter, 2010. “Technology clubs, R&D and growth patterns: Evidence from EU manufacturing,” European Economic Review, vol. 54(1), pages 60-79.
20. Bos, Jaap W.B., Claire Economidou, Michael Koetter & James W. Kolari, 2010. “Do all countries grow alike?,” Journal of Development Economics, vol. 91(1), pages 113-127.
21. Apergis, Nicholas, Claire Economidou & Ioannis Filippidis, 2009. “International technology spillovers, human capital and productivity linkages: evidence from the industrial sector,” Empirica, vol. 36(4), pages 365-387.
22. Economidou, Claire & Clemens Kool, 2009. “European economic integration and (a)symmetry of macroeconomic fluctuations,” Economic Modelling, vol. 26(4), pages 778-787.
23. Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Claire Economidou, 2009. “Export-led Growth vs. Growth-led Exports: LDCs Experience,” Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 42(2), pages 179-209.
24. Economidou, Claire & Antu Panini Murshid, 2008. “Testing the Linkages between Trade and Productivity Growth,” Review of Development Economics, vol. 12(4), pages 845-860.
25. Apergis, Nicholas, Claire Economidou & Ioannis Filippidis, 2008. “Innovation, Technology Transfer and Labor Productivity Linkages: Evidence from a Panel of Manufacturing Industries,” Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), vol. 144(3), pages 491-508.
26. Apergis, Nicholas, Ioannis Filippidis & Claire Economidou, 2007. “Financial Deepening and Economic Growth Linkages: A Panel Data Analysis,” Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), vol. 143(1), pages 179-198.
27. Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen, Claire Economidou & Gour G. Goswami, 2006. “Bilateral J-curve between the UK vis-a-vis her major trading partners,” Applied Economics, vol. 38(8), pages 879-888.
28. Economidou, Claire, Vivian Lei & Janet Netz, 2006. “International Integration and Growth: A Further Investigation on Developing Countries,” International Advances in Economic Research, vol. 12(4), pages 435-448.
29. Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Claire Economidou, 2006. “Do budget deficits crowd in or crowd out private investment: evidence from Europe,” International Journal of Public Policy, vol. 1(3), pages 223-232.
30. Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Claire Economidou, 2005. “How stable is the demand for money in Greece?“, International Economic Journal, vol. 19(3), pages 461-472.
31. Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen, Claire Economidou & Gour G. Goswami, 2005. “How sensitive are Britain’s inpayments and outpayments to the value of the British pound,” Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 32(5), pages 455-467.
1. ‘Knowledge Spillovers from Creation to Exploitation: A Theoretical Model with Implications for Firms and Public Policy’ Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute (TKI) Discussion Paper 09-32, School of Economics, Utrecht University (with Zoltan Acs and Mark Sanders)
2. ‘A Poisson Stochastic Frontier Model with Finite Mixture Structure.’ MPRA Paper No. 57485, July 2014 (with Kyriakos Drivas and Mike Tsionas)
3. ‘What Shapes Europeans? Attitudes toward Xeno-philia(/phobia)?’ MPRA Paper 76511, January 2017 (with Dimitris Karamanis, Alexandra Kechrinioti and Sofia Xesfingi)
1. ‘Human Capital Development Measurement in the Era of Digitalization.’
(with Alexandros Bechlioulis and Nikolas Topaloglou)
2. ‘Growing Up with Digital Technology.’
(with Tryfonas Christou, Nikolas Topaloglou and Giorgos Tsomidis)
3. ‘Does Sovereign Debt Management Shape Firms’ Credit Cost?’
(with Alexandros Bechlioulis and Sofoklis Brissimis and Dimitrios Konstantios)
4. ‘Does the Style of Leadership Shape Firms’ Growth Perspectives?’
(with Steve Brammer, Dimitrios Gounopoulos and Dimitrios Konstantios)
5. ‘Democracy, Institutions, and International Profit-Shifting.’
(with Fotis Delis and Iftekhar Hasan)
6. Sustainability and Commercial Real Estate
(with Dimitrios Konstantios and Prodromos Vlamis)
7. Corporate Innovation and Firm Asymmetric Cost Behavior
(with Dimitrios Konstantios and Vasilios-Christos Naoum)
8. Does Monetary Policy Transparency Aid Technological Knowledge?
(with Alexandros Bechlioulis, Evangelos Dioikitopoulos and Aikaterini Karadimitropoulou)
Post Doc.
– Kyriakos Drivas (2012-2014), “Firms’ Perception of Patent Valuation’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece (grant from the National Strategic Reference Framework, No: SH1 4083)
– Konstantinos Dellis (2017-2018), “The Role of Financial Development in the Attraction of FDI Flows and their Spillover Effects’, Economics Department, University of Piraeus, Greece (grant from the Bank of Greece)
– Sofia Xesfingi (2017-2019), “Health and Immigration across Europe”, Economics Department, University of Piraeus, Greece (grant from the NSRF)
– Alexandros Bechlioulis (2017-2022), “The Role of Government Debt on Corporate Borrowing”, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Dimitrios Karamanis (2018-2022), “Immigration, Mobility and Economic Growth”, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Elena Kyrkopoulou (2022-present), ‘Essays on Immigration and Crime’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece.
– Alexandros Bechlioulis (2013-2017), ’The Implications of Financial Risk for Household Consump- tion under Macro-prudential Policy Rules’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Dimitris Karamanis (2014-2017), ‘Essays on Technology Transfer and Diffusion’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Dimitris Konstantios (2014-2018), ’Essays on Innovation, Growth and Finance’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Fotis Delis (2019-2022), ‘Essays in Profit Shifting Behavior of Multinational Enterprises’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Alexandra Kechrinioti (2017-2023), ‘Economic Growth, Military Spending and Terror’, Depart- ment of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– Evangelia Georgiou (2019-present), ‘Monetary Policy in a Low Interest Rate Environment’, Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece
– 2015-2018: Grant 2.5 million Euros – Horizon2020 – European Commission Framework (Code: H2020 EURO-2-2014-649378-FIRES), ‘Financial and Institutional Re- forms for Entrepreneurial Society.’
[Partners: University of Piraeus, University of Utrecht (co-ordinator), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE), Friedrich Schiller Universitaet, Jena (GE), Univer- sity of Pecs (HU), Politecnico di Milano (IT), Instituto Superior Technico (PT), Research Institute of Industrial Economics (SW), & London School of Eco- nomics (UK). Deliverables: (a) Entrepreneurial Philanthropy and Local Eco- nomic Growth, and (b) Knowledge Diffusion in the EU: the Role of Talented Migrants]
– 2017: Grant 25,000 Euros from the Bank of Greece, ‘FDI and Innovation in Greece’
– 2016: Traveling Research Grant 5,000 Euros from Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
– 2012-2014: Grant 150,000 Euros from National Strategic Framework (NSRF/No: SH1 4083), ‘Firms’ Perception of Patent Valuation’
– 2008-2009: Researcher of the Year Award by Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht Univer- sity, the Netherlands
– 2004-2007: Excellence in Teaching Economics Award by Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
– 2002-2003: Gerondelis Foundation, Boston USA: Fellowship for Excellence in Ph.D. studies
– 1998-1999: State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.), Greece: Scholarship for Excellence in M.A. studies
– 1993-1994: State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.), Greece: Scholarship for Excellence in B.Sc. studies
Books – Chapter Contribution
– Drivas, K., Economidou, C., Tsionas, E.G. 2019. Regional Innovation in the US: A Poisson Stochastic Frontier Approach with Finite Mixture Structure. In: Tsionas M. (Eds.), Panel Data Econometrics: Empirical Applications, Vol. 2. Academic Press (imprint of Elsevier), Chapter 24.
Office Hours
Fall Semester 2024-2025
Tuesday, 12:00-14:00
Spring Semester 2024-2025
Monday, 12:00-14:00