Evaggelaras Charalampos
21 February 2024 2024-07-30 12:48
Evaggelaras Charalampos
Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
Teaching Field
• 2005. PhD in Mathematics (Statistics), School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, NTUA.
• 2001. M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, NTUA.
• 1998. Diploma in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.
Academic positions
• April 2008 – July 2012. Lecturer, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.
• August 2012 – today. Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.
A. Undergraduate courses
I. University of Central Greece
• 2006 – 2008: Probability and Statistics
II. University of Piraeus (Dept. of Statistics and Insurance Science)
• 2008 – today: Regression Analysis, Combinatorics
• 2010 – today: Statistical Packages
• 2017 – 2018: Nonparametric Statistics
• 2008 – 2010: Special topics in Applied Statistics
• 2008 – 2013: Multivariate Analysis
• 2013 – 2015: Statistics IΙ (service course for the Department of Industrial Management and Technology)
B. Postgraduate courses
I. University of Piraeus
• 2008 – today: Data analysis using statistical packages (Master in “Applied Statistics”)
• 2011 – today: Experimental design (Master in “Applied Statistics”)
• 2017 – 2018: Quatitative methods (Master in “Shiping”)
• 2008 – 2010: Experimental design, Labs (Master in “Applied Statistics”)
II. Open University of Greece
• 2009 – today: Quality Assurance
Orthogonal Arrays with two, three or mixed levels
Fractional factorial designs
Follow up experiments
Off-line quality control
Algebraic Statistics
Screening Designs
Supersaturated Designs
Latin Hypercubes and Computer Experiments
Order-of-Addition Experiments
I have published 47 papers in 20 international scientific journals (refereed) and 2 papers in Book Chapters and Conference proceedings.
1. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and P. Mantas, A unified approach in addition or deletion of two level factorial designs, Statistics and Probability Letters, 59 (2002), 125-133.
2. H. Evangelaras, S. Georgiou and C. Koukouvinos, New orthogonal designs of order 56, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 10 (2002), 387-393.
3. H. Evangelaras, S. Georgiou and C. Koukouvinos, Inequivalent projections of Hadamard matrices of orders 16 and 20, Metrika, 57 (2003), 29-35.
4. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, On the use of Hadamard matrices in factorial designs, Utilitas Mathematica, 64 (2003), 45-63.
5. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, On maximizing a design estimation efficiency using hidden projection properties, Statistics and Probability Letters, 62 (2003), 419-427.
6. H. Evangelaras, I. Kotsireas and C. Koukouvinos, Applications of Grobner bases to the analysis of certain two or three level factorial designs, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 3 (2003), 1-13.
7. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Effects confounded with blocks in factorial designs: a projective geometric approach with two blocks, Statistics and Probability Letters, 64 (2003), 105-111.
8. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Screening properties and design selection of certain two-level designs, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 2 (2003), 87-107.
9. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and J. Seberry, Applications of Hadamard matrices, Journal of Telecommunication and Information Technology, 2 (2003), 3-10.
10. H. Evangelaras, S. Georgiou and C. Koukouvinos, Evaluation of inequivalent projections of Hadamard matrices of order 24, Metrika, 59 (2004), 51-73.
11. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Inequivalent projections of some D-optimal designs, Utilitas Mathematica, 65 (2004), 83-96.
12. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Another look at projection properties of Hadamard matrices, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 33 (2004), 1607-1620.
13. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Combined arrays with minimum number of runs and maximum estimation efficiency, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 33 (2004), 1621-1628.
14. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, On generalized projectivity of two-level screening designs, Statistics and Probability Letters, 68 (2004), 429-434.
15. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Statistical criteria for evaluating fractional factorial designs that arise from Hadamard matrices, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 4 (2004), 181-193.
16. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Projections of Plackett and Burman designs with good statistical properties, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 3 (2004), 215-224.
17. H. Evangelaras, E. Kolaiti and C. Koukouvinos, Regular Fractional Factorial Designs: Resolution, Defining Relation and Blocking via Coding Theory, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 4 (2004), 45-58.
18. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos, A. M. Dean and C. A. Dingus, Projection properties of certain three level orthogonal arrays, Metrika, 62 (2005), 241-257.
19. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos ans S. Stylianou, Evaluation of some non-orthogonal saturated designs with two levels, Statistics and Probability Letters, 74 (2005), 322-329.
20. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, A note on the alias relationships of screening designs obtained from orthogonal arrays, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 4 (2005), 81-89.
21. H. Evangelaras, E. Kolaiti and C. Koukouvinos, Projection properties of certain three level main effect plans with quantitative factors, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 34 (2005), 939-956.
22. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, A comparison between Grobner bases approach and hidden projection properties in factorial designs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50 (2006), 77-88.
23. H. Evangelaras, E. Kolaiti and C. Koukouvinos, Non-isomorphic orthogonal arrays obtained by juxtaposition, Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 (2006), 274-279.
24. H. Evangelaras, E. Kolaiti and C. Koukouvinos, Some orthogonal arrays with 32 runs and their projection properties, Metrika, 63 (2006), 271-281.
25. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Optimal designs and their projection properties with Grobner bases, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 5 (2006), 161-173.
26. H. Evangelaras, E. Kolaiti and C. Koukouvinos, Robust parameter design: Optimization of combined array approach with orthogonal arrays, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (2006), 3698-3709.
27. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and E. Lappas, An efficient algorithm for the identification of isomorphic orthogonal arrays, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 9 (2006), 125-132.
28. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, New light on certain two level designs using Grobner bases, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 9 (2006), 107-124.
29. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and K. Mylona, Projection properties of Hadamard matrices of order 36 obtained from Paley’s constructions, Metrika, 64 (2006), 351-359.
30. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Interaction detection in Latin and Hyperlatin squares, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 9 (2006), 341-348.
31. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and K. Mylona, On Hadamard embeddability, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 9 (2006), 503-512.
32. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and E. Lappas, Further contributions to nonisomorphic two level orthogonal arrays, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007), 2080-2086.
33. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and E. Lappas, 18-run nonisomorphic three level orthogonal arrays, Metrika, 66 (2007), 31-37.
34. P. Angelopoulos, H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and E. Lappas, An effective step-down algorithm for the construction and the identification of nonisomorphic orthogonal arrays, Metrika, 66 (2007) 139-149.
35. P. Angelopoulos, H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Model Identification using 27 runs three level orthogonal arrays, Journal of Applied Statistics, 36 (2009), 33-38.
36. H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Applications of Nonisomorphic Three Level 27-Run Orthogonal Arrays to Designed Experiments, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 4 (2009), 115-123.
37. P. Angelopoulos, H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Small, balanced, efficient and near rotatable central composite designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 (2009), 2010-2013.
38. P. Angelopoulos, H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Run orders for efficient two-level experimental plans with minimum factor level changes robust to time trends, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 (2009), 3718 – 3724.
39. P. Angelopoulos, H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Analyzing unreplicated 2k factorial designs by examining their projections into k – 1 factors, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26 (2010), 223 – 233.
40. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and E. Lappas, 27 – run nonisomorphic three level orthogonal arrays: Identification, evaluation and projection properties, Utilitas Mathematica, 84 (2011), 75 – 88.
41. Κ. Chatterjee, Η. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, A Lower Bound to the Measure of Optimality for Main Effect Plans in the Symmetric Factorial Experiments, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 40 (2011), 2358-2365.
42. H. Evangelaras, Construction of Minimum Generalized Aberration two-level Orthogonal Arrays, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9 (2015), 2689-2705.
43. H. Evangelaras, Enumeration and evaluation of small Orthogonal Latin Hypercube Designs for polynomial regression models, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32 (2016), 2381-2389.
44. H. Evangelaras and M. V. Koutras, On second order orthogonal Latin hypercube designs, Journal of Complexity, 39 (2017), 111-121.
45. H. Evangelaras and C. Peveretos, Efficient arrangements of two-level orthogonal arrays in two and four blocks, Statistics, 51 (2017), 111-121.
46. H. Evangelaras and C. Peveretos, Construction of Generalized Minimum Aberration Three-Level Orthogonal Arrays with Three, Four and Five Columns, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 14 (2020), article 60.
47. H. Evangelaras and S. D. Georgiou, Projection properties of two-level supersaturated designs constructed from Hadamard designs using Lin’s method, Metrika, (2020), to appear.
Chapters and Proceedings
1. D. Basso, L. Salmaso, H. Evangelaras and C. Koukouvinos, Non parametric testing for main effects on inequivalent designs, Proceedings (refereed) of the 7th Conference in Model-Oriented Data Analysis (MODA 7) (A. Di Bucchianico, H. Laurier, and H. P. Wynn, eds.), Contributions to Statistics, Physica Verlag, Hedelberg, (2004), 33-40.
2. H. Evangelaras, C. Koukouvinos and M. Koutras, Advances in robust parameter design: From Taguchi’s inner – outer arrays to combined arrays, Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 2011, 1 – 35.
1. M. Koutras and H. Evangelaras, Regression Analysis: Theory and Applications, Tsotras Pub., 2018. (in Greek)
2. M. Koutras and H. Evangelaras, Regression Analysis: Exercises using statistical packages, Stamoulis Pub., 2011. (in Greek)