Karagrigoriou Alex
29 July 2024 2024-07-30 21:43
Karagrigoriou Alex
Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
Teaching Field
Alex Karagrigoriou is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science at the University of Piraeus. His research interests include Applied Probability, Statistical Modeling, Model Selection Criteria, Biostatistics, Information Theory and Divergence Measures, Time Series Analysis, Statistical Quality Control, Actuarial Mathematics, Risk Theory, Stochastic Modelling, Big Data Analytics, Multivariate Analysis, Reliability Theory etc. Apart from the private sector (Maritime sector, Greece, 1980-1986) and the public sector (Department of Agriculture, USA, 1986-1992), in academia he has worked at the University of Maryland and the Institute of Statistical Sciences (Taiwan) and taught at the Universities of Patras, Maryland, Athens, Cyprus (retired from 2024) and Aegean, while since 2014 he has been teaching at the Hellenic Open University and since 2024 at the University of Piraeus.
He has published more than 100 articles (in international scientific journals and collective volumes) and has given 100 invited talks in over 20 countries. He has co-edited 10 collective volumes in Reliability Theory and Data Analysis from Elsevier, Wiley, ISAST, Springer and iSTE Wiley. His work is internationally recognized with over 1400 citations (h-index=17). In addition, he is Co-Editor of the Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies (River Publishers). He has supervised 3 Post docs, 6 PhDs and 50 Masters. Three of his students have been awarded the Best Young Statistician Award by the Hellenic Statistical Institute (2007, 2018, 2021), one of his students was awarded the Best Postgraduate Student Award (2017 –Council of the Univ. of the Aegean) while 4 of his students have represented Greece, Cyprus & France at the European Young Statisticians Meeting (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023).
- 1984. BSc. in Mathematics, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Patras.
- 1988. M.A. in Mathematical Statistics, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA.
- 1992. PhD in Mathematical Statistics, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA.
Academic Positions
- 1992 – 2014: Lecturer, Assistant Prof. And Associate Prof. Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus (retired).
- 2014 – 2024: Professor of Probability and Statistics, Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, Univ. of the Aegean.
Other Positions
- 2014 – today: Adjunct Faculty, Master Program in “Quality Management and Technology”, Hellenic Open University.
- 1994-1998: Adjunct Lecturer, Mediterranean Institute of Management, Cyprus
- 1986 – 1992: Research Assistant, Department of Agriculture, USA Government, USA.
- 1980 – 1986: Technical & Systems Analysis Dept., Maritime Sector.
Fall Semester
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Statistical Machine Learning
Spring Semester
- Time Series Analysis
(i) In International Journals (last 3 years – total=80)
- Barbu, V. S., Makrides, A. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2021). Reliability and Inference for Multi State Systems: The Kumaraswamy case, Mathematics, 9 (16), 1834.
- Koukoumis, C. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2021). On entropy-type measures and divergences with applications in engineering, management and applied sciences, of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Science, 6(3), 688-707.
- Makris, K., Vonta, I. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2021). On similarity measures for stochastic and statistical modelling, Mathematics 9 (8), 840 https://doi.org/10.3390/math9080840
- Giannouli, P., Karagrigoriou, A., Kountzakis, C.E. and Ntotsis, K. (2021). Multilevel Dimension Reduction for Credit Scoring Modelling and Prediction: Empirical Evidence for Greece, in Stat. Case Studies and Data Analysis, 7(4), 545-560,
- Anastasiou, A., Hatzopoulos, P., Karagrigoriou, A., Mavridoglou, G. (2021). Causality Distance Measures for Multivariate Time Series with Applications, Mathematics, 9 (21), 2708.
- Ntotsis, K., Karagrigoriou, A. and Artemiou, A. (2021). Interdependency Pattern Recognition in Econometrics: A Penalized Regularization Antidote, Econometrics, 9(4), 44.
- Loukissas, F. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2022). Uniform Asymptotic Probability for Multi Renewal Risk Model with Strong Subexponential Tailed Claims, of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Science, 7, 153-165.
- Gkelsinis, T., Karagrigoriou, A., and Barbu, V. S. (2022) Statistical inference based on weighted divergence measures with simulations and applications, Statistical Papers, 63, 1511-1536,
- Meselidis, C. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2022). Contingency Table Analysis and Inference via Double Index Measures, Entropy, 24, 477,
- Parpoula, Ch. & Karagrigoriou, A. (2022): On optimal segmentation and parameter tuning for multiple change-point detection and inference, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92:18, 3789-3816,
- Kroustalli, Ch., Karagrigoriou, A. and Makrides, A. (2022). Stochastic processes & reliability analysis: Theoretical issues & applications, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 13(3), 563-580.
- Kalligeris, Emmanouil-Nektarios, Karagrigoriou, Alex and Parpoula, Christina (2023). On stochastic dynamic modeling of incidence data, The International Journal of Biostatistics, 20(1), 201-215.
- Anastasios Katsileros, Nikolaos Antonetsis, Paschalis Mouzaidis, Eleni Tani, Penelope J. Bebeli and A. Karagrigoriou (2024). A Comparison of Tests for Homoscedasticity Using Simulation and Empirical Data, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 31(1), 1-35.
- Karagrigoriou, Ioannis Mavrogiannis, G. Papasotiriou, I. Vonta (2023). An exponentiality test of fit based on a tail characterization against heavy and light-tailed alternatives, Risks, 2023, 11(10), 169.
- Georgakopoulou, E.; Tsapanos, T.M.; Makrides, A.; Scordilis, E.; Karagrigoriou, A.; Papadopoulou, A.; Karastathis, V. (2024). Seismic Evaluation Based on Poisson Hidden Markov Models—The Case of Central and South America. Stats, 1, 1–16.
- D’Amico, G.; Karagrigoriou, A.; Vigna, V. (2024). Forecasting the Power Generation Mix in Italy Based on Grey Markov Models. Energies, 17, 2184.
(ii) In Collective Volumes (last 3 years – total=28)
- Barbu, V.S., Karagrigoriou, A. and Makrides, A. (2021). Semi-Markov Processes for Earthquake Forecast, In Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis, Limnios, N., Papadimitriou, E. and Tsaklidis, G., iSTE WILEY, 299-308.
- Makris, K., Karagrigoriou, A., Vonta, I. (2021). On divergence and dissimilarity measures for multiple time series, In Applied Modelling Techniques and Data Analysis, Dimotikalis, I. et al. iSTE WILEY, 249-260.
- Karagrigoriou, A., Papasotiriou, G. and Vonta, I. (2022). Goodness of Fit Exponentiality Test against Light and Heavy Tail Alternatives, In Statistical Modeling of Reliability Structures and Industrial Processes, S. Triantafyllou and M. Ram eds., CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, USA, ISBN 9781032066257, 25-38.
- Meselidis, C., Karagrigoriou, A., Papaioannou, T. (2022). Data Analysis based on Entropies and Measures, In Data Analysis and Related Applications: Theory and Practice Vol. 2, Zafeiris, K. et al., iSTE Wiley, 237-257.
- Makris, K., Karagrigoriou, A., Vonta, I. (2022). On Dimensionless Dissimilarity Measures for Time Series, In Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis, D.C.S Bisht & M. Ram eds., River Publishers, Denmark, ISBN: 9788770224178, 1-17.
- Karagrigoriou, A., Kountzakis, C.E. and Ntotsis, K. (2024). A Rotated Principal Component Analysis for an Advanced Dimension Reduction Approach, In Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis in Applied Demography – Volume 2: Models, Risk and Surveys (Data Analysis Section, Chapter 24), C.H. Skiadas and C. Skiadas, eds., The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Springer Verlag (to appear).
(iii) In Conference Proceedings (last 3 years – total=40)
- E.-N. Kalligeris, A. Karagrigoriou and Ch. Parpoula, (2021). An Advanced Markov Switching Approach for the Modelling of Consultation Rate Data, Eng. Proc., Vol. 5, 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/engproc2021005002
- Kalligeris, E.-N., Karagrigoriou, A., Makridis, A., Parpoula, Ch. and Barbu, V.S. (2021). On some Aspects of Discrete-Time semi-Markov Switching Models, 22nd European Young Statisticians Meeting – Proceedings, ed. Makrides, A. et. al., Panteion Univ. Publ., ISBN: 978-960-7943-23-1, 46-51.
- Ntotsis, K., Artemiou, A., Karagrigoriou, A. (2023). Exploring Nonlinear Associations between Features: A Tool for Capturing Complex Relationships, 23rd European Young Statisticians Meeting – Proceedings, University of Ljubljana (to appear).
- Makrides, A., Meselidis, C., Karagrigoriou, A. (2023). Συμπερασματολογία αξιοπιστίας με εφαρμογές στα αναλογιστικά – χρηματοοικονομικά Μαθηματικά (in Greek), Proc. 34th Panhellenic Stat. Conf., Greek Statistical Institute, 56-69.
- Meselidis, C. and Karagrigoriou, A. (2023). The Use of a general modified family of measures for estimation and testing purposes, Proc. of the Intern. Symposium Series on Graduate Researchers 2022, Okan Fıstıkoğlu, Derya Kaya Özdemir & Zeynel Baran Yıldırım eds., Dokuz Eylül University, 202-214.
- Makrides, A., Meselidis, C., Karagrigoriou, A. (2023). Actuarial-Financial Mathematics for semi-Markov Processes, Proc. of the Intern. Symposium Series on Graduate Researchers 2022, Okan Fıstıkoğlu, Derya Kaya Özdemir & Zeynel Baran Yıldırım eds., Dokuz Eylül University, 258-266.
(i) Textbooks (in Greek)
- Βόντα, Φ. και Kαραγρηγορίου, A. (2024). Εφαρμοσμένη Στατιστική & Στοιχεία Πιθανοτήτων, Εκδόσεις DaVinci, Αθήνα.
- Καραγρηγορίου, Α. και Καλλιγέρης Ε.-Ν. (2023). Γραμμικά Μοντέλα και Σχεδιασμός & Ανάλυση Πειραμάτων με Eφαρμογές σε R και ΜΙΝΙΤΑΒ, Aθήνα: Κάλλιπος, Ανοικτές Ακαδημαϊκές Εκδόσεις, ISBN: 9786185667849
- Βόντα, Ι. και Kαραγρηγορίου, A. (2017). Εφαρμοσμένη Στατιστική Ανάλυση & Στοιχεία Πιθανοτήτων, Αναθεωρημένη Έκδοση, Εκδόσεις Παρασκήνιο, Μαρίνης Σ.
- Καραγρηγορίου, Α. (2005). Στατιστική Ανάλυση, Εκδόσεις Καντζηλάρης, Nicosia.
- Καραγρηγορίου, Α. (2005). Στατιστική Ανάλυση, Τόμος Β, Εκδόσεις Καντζηλάρης, Nicosia.
(ii) Collective Volumes
- Triantafyllou, I. S., Malefaki, S., Karagrigoriou, A. (2025). Stochastic Modeling and Statistical Methods: Advances and Applications, 1st Edition, Elsevier, Paperback ISBN: 9780443316944, eBook ISBN: 9780443316951, 350 pp.
- Zafeiris, K., Skiadas, Ch., Dimotikalis, Y. Karagrigoriou, A. and Karagrigoriou-Vonta, Ch. (2022). Data Analysis and Related Applications: Theory and Practice Vol. 1, iSTE Wiley, London, ISBN: 9781786307712, https://www.iste.co.uk/book.php?id=1927, 474 pp.
- Zafeiris, K., Skiadas, Ch., Dimotikalis, Y. Karagrigoriou, A. and Karagrigoriou-Vonta, Ch. (2022). Data Analysis and Related Applications: Theory and Practice Vol. 2, iSTE Wiley, London, ISBN: 9781786307729, https://www.iste.co.uk/book.php?id=1928, 440 pp.
- Dimotilakis, Y., Karagrigoriou, A., Parpoula, Ch. & Skiadas, Ch. (2021). Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis, Vol. 1, iSTE Wiley, London, 265 pp.
- Dimotilakis, Y., Karagrigoriou, A., Parpoula, Ch. & Skiadas, Ch. (2021). Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis, Vol. 2, iSTE Wiley, London, 255 pp.
- Makrides, A., Karagrigoriou, A. and Skiadas, C.H. (2020). Data Analysis and Applications 3: Computational, Classification, Financial, Statistical and Stochastic Methods, iSTE Wiley, London, 236 pp., ISBN: 9781786305343.
- Makrides, A., Karagrigoriou, A. and Skiadas, C.H. (2020). Data Analysis and Applications 4: Financial Data Analysis and Methods, iSTE Wiley, London, 282 pp., ISBN: 9781786306241.
- Lisnianski, A., Frenkel, I and Karagrigoriou, A. (2018). Recent Advances in Multi-State Reliability, Theory and Applications, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering, Springer, Berlin, 373 pp., ISBN: 978-3-319-63422-7, e-ISBN: 978-3-319-63423-4.
- Karagrigoriou, A., Oliveira, T. and Skiadas, Ch. (2016). Statistical, Stochastic and Data Analysis Methods and Applications, ISAST: International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology ISBN: 978-618-5180-07-2, e-ISBN: 978-618-5180-09-6.
- Frenkel, I., Karagrigoriou, A., Lisnianski, A., Kleyner, A. (2014). Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference, Wiley Series in Quality and Reliability Engineering, Wiley, 456 pp. ISBN 978-1-118-53942-2.