Psarrakos Georgios
21 February 2024 2024-09-23 13:15
Psarrakos Georgios
Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science
Teaching Field
Actuarial Science
- 2007 , Ph.D in Actuarial Mathematics, University of Piraeus, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, Creece
- 2002 , M.Sc. in Statistics and Operation Research, University of Athens, Department of Mathematics, Greece
- 1998 , B.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece
Research Interests
- Ruin theory
- Actuarial mathematics
- Heavy tailed distributions
- Stochastic order
- Phase type distributions
Undergraduate Courses
- Applied Linear Algebra.
- Numerical Analysis.
- Ruin Theory.
- Credibility Theory.
- Actuarial Survival Models.
- Actuarial Models for Life Contingencies I.
- Statistics ΙΙ. (Department of Economics).
- Risk Theory and Insurance.
- Statistics Ι (Department of Banking and Financial Management).
- Special Topics in Actuarial Theory.
Postgraduate Courses
- Stochastic Processes in Finance and Actuarial Science.
- Pension Plans.
- Actuarial Survival Models.
- Statistical Methods in Actuarial Science and Risk Management.
- Psarrakos, G. and Politis, K. (2008). Tail bounds for the joint distribution of the surplusprior to and at ruin. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 42, 163-176.
- Psarrakos, G. (2008). Tail bounds for the distribution of the deficit in the renewal risk model.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 43, 197-202.
- Psarrakos, G. and Politis, K. (2009). Monotonicity result in the Sparre-Andersen risk model. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 104-118.
- Psarrakos, G. and Politis, K. (2009). A generalization of Lundberg condition in the Sparre Andersen model. Stochastic Models 25, 90-109.
- Psarrakos, G. (2009). Asymptotic results for heavy-tailed distributions using defectiverenewal equations. Statistics and Probability Letters 79, 774-779.
- Psarrakos, G. (2009). A note on convolutions of compound geometric distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters 79, 1231-1237.
- Psarrakos, G. (2010). Inequalities on the joint distribution prior to and at the time of ruin in the classical model. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 268-283.
- Psarrakos, G. (2010). On the DFR property of the compound geometric distribution with applications in risk theory. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 47, 428-433.
- Psarrakos, G. andTsatsomeros, M. (2011). Ratio monotonicity for tail probabilities in the renewal risk model. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 25, 171-185.
- Kapodistria, S. and Psarrakos, G. (2012). Some extensions of the residual lifetime and its connection to the cumulative residual entropy. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 26, 129-146.
- Psarrakos, G. and Politis, K. (2012). The covariance between the surplus prior to and at ruin in the classical risk model. ASTIN Bulletin 42, 631-653 .
- Psarrakos, G. and Navarro, J. (2013). Generalized Cumulative Residual Entropy and Record Values. Metrika 76, 623-640.
- Gao, Q., Liu, Y., Psarrakos, G. and Wang, Y. (2013). On asymptotic equivalence among the solutions of some defective renewal equations. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 53, 391-405.
- Psarrakos, G. (2015). On the integrated tail of the deficitin the renewal risk model. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 17, 497-513.
- Psarrakos, G. (2016). An operator property of the distribution of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with applications. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 18, 1197-1215.
- Navarro, J. and Psarrakos, G. (2017). Characterizations based on generalized cumulative residual entropy functions. Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods 46, 1247-1260.
- Psarrakos, G. and Toomaj, A. (2017). On the generalized cumulative residual entropy with applications in actuarial science. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 309, 186-199.
- Sordo, M.A. and Psarrakos, G. (2017). Stochastic comparisons of interfailure times under a relevation replacement policy. Journal of Applied Probability 54, 134-145.
- Psarrakos, G. and Economou, P. (2017). On the generalized cumulative residual entropy weighted distributions. Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods 22, 10914-10925.
- Psarrakos, G. and Di Crescenzo, A. (2018). A residual inaccuracy measure based on the relevation transform. Metrika 81, 37-59.
- Di Crescenzo, A. and Psarrakos, G. (2019). Probabilistic mean value theorems for conditioned random variables with applications. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35, 923—938.
- Psarrakos, G. and Sordo, M.A. (2019). On a family of risk measures based on the proportional hazards model and tail probability. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 86, 232–240.
- Psarrakos, G. and Toomaj, A. (2020). On the elasticity of expected interepoch intervals in a non-homogeneous Poisson process under small variations of hazard rate. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 34, 550-569.
- Castano-Martinez, A., Pigueiras, G., Psarrakos, G. and Sordo, M.A. (2020). Increasing concave comparison of some linear combinations of order statistics with applications to social welfare. Metrika 83, 699-712.
- Economou, P., Psarrakos, G. and Toomaj, A. (2020). Recruitment and survival time under mean residual lifetime bias sampling. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 54, 885-907.
- Psarrakos, G. and Vliora, P. (2021). Sensitivity analysis and tail variability for the Wang’s actuarial index. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 98, 147-152.
- Cali, C., Longobardi, M. and Psarrakos, G. (2021). A family of weighted distributions based on the mean inactivity time and cumulative past entropies. Ricerche di Matematica 70, 395-409.
- Losidis, S., Politis, K. and Psarrakos, G. (2021). Exact results and bounds for the joint tail and moments of the recurrence times in a renewal process. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 23, 1489-1505.
- Psarrakos, G. (2022). Relations between integrated tails and moments based on the deficit at ruin in the renewal risk model. Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods 51, 7631-7651.
- Psarrakos, G. (2022). How a probabilistic analogue of the mean value theorem yields Stein-type covariance identities. Journal of Applied Probability 59, 350-365.
- Psarrakos, G., Toomaj, A. and Vliora, P. (2024). A family of variability measures based on the cumulative residual entropy and distortion functions. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 114, 212-222.
Invited Speaker
- Workshop on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics: Theory and Applications, Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, University of Liverpool, U.K. (6/2013).
- Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno, Italy (2/2017).
- Department of Statistics and Operative Research, University of Cadiz, Spain (5/2017).
- Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (11/2022).
- XL National Congress of Statistics and Operations Research, SEIO 2023, Elche, Spain (11/2023).
- 19-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Kastoria, Greece (4/2006).
- 4-rd Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance, Samos, Greece (9/2006).
- 12-th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Chania, Greece (5/2007).
- 11-th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Piraeus, Greece (7/2007)
- 21-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Samos, Greece (4/2008).
- 5-th Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance, Samos, Greece (9/2008).
- 9-th German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics, Leipzig, Germany (3/2010).
- 6-th Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance, Samos, Greece (6/2010).
- 3-rd Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Stachastic Modelling, Nafplio, Greece (6/2010).
- 24-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Patra, Greece (4/2011).
- 15-th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Trieste, Italy (6/2011).
- Markov and Semi-Markov Processes and Related Fields, Chalkidiki, Greece (9/2011).
- 25-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Volos, Greece (4/2012).
- International Conference on Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis, Chania, Greece (6/2012).
- 1-st European Actuarial Journal Conference Lausanne, Switzerland (9/2012).
- Actuarial and Risk Measures Workshop on Risk Dependency and Ruin. Piraeus, Greece (11/2012).
- 26-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Piraeus, Greece (5/2013).
- 27-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Thessaloniki, Greece (4/2014).
- 7-th International Workshop on Applied Probability Conference, Antalya, Turkey (6/2014).
- 2-nd European Actuarial Journal Conference, Vienna, Austria (9/2014).
- 19-th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Liverpool, United Kingdom (6/2015).
- 16-th International Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis; Chania, Greece (7/2015).
- 12-th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data, Piraeus, Greece (5/2016).
- 31-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Lamia, Greece (5 / 2018).
- 10-th Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance, Samos, Greece (5/2018).
- 4-st European Actuarial Journal (EAJ) Conference, Leaven, Belgium (9/2018).
- 32-th Panhellenic Conference in Statistics, Ioannina, Greece (5/2019).
- 11-th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Zagreb, Croatia (7/2019).
- 23-rd International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Munich, Germany (7/2019).
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance.
- ASTIN Bulletin.
- Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics.
- Communication in Statistics – Simulation and
- Computation.
- Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods.
- Entropy.
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
- Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
- Journal of Applied Probability.
- Journal of Applied Statistics.
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
- Journal of Probability and Statistics.
- Mathematical Communications.
- Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
- Metrika.
- Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences.
- REVSTAT-Statistical Journal.
- Scandinavian Actuarial Journal.
- Soft Computing.
- Statistical Papers.
- Statistics.
- Statistics and Probability Letters.