Triantafyllou Ioannis

Τριανταφύλλου Ιωάννης

Triantafyllou Ioannis

Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science


Teaching Field

Statistics and Applied Probability

Ioannis S. Triantafyllou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science of the University of Piraeus. His research interests focus on the area of Statistical Reliability Theory and Non-Parametric Statistical Quality Control. More than 70 research papers of him in the field of Applied Probability and Statistics have been published in international scientific journals and edited volumes. In the literature, there exist more than 700 citations of his research work, while he has served as a referee for 38 international scientific journals. He serves as an Associate Editor for  International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Management Sciences (indexed by Web of Science) and as a Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet (by American Mathematical Society).

Ι. Education

2011        Post Doc, Greek State Scholarships Foundation in the field “Probability and Statistics”, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.
2009        PhD., Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.

Ph.D. Thesis: Contribution to the study of aging properties of reliability structures and nonparametric control charts by the aid of order statistics.

2005        M.Sc. in Applied Statistics, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.
2002        Bachelor in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.

IΙ. Academic positions

2022-… Assistant Professor in Applied Statistics, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus.
2017-2021 Assistant Professor in Applied Probability and Statistics, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
2016-2017 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
2013-… Lecturer, School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University.
2013-2016 Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
2012-2013 Lecturer, Department of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece.
2011-2012 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Panteion University.
2010-2011 Lecturer, Department of Economics and Ecology, Harokopio University.
2009-2010 Lecturer, Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus.

ΙΙΙ. Research Interests

  • Nonparametric Statistical Process Control
  • Statistical Reliability Theory
  • Order statistics
  • Aging properties

ΙV.  Academic acknowledgements/achievements

  • Associate Editor in International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (indexed by Scopus, Web of Science).
  • Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Probability and Statistics in Quality and Reliability Engineering” of journal Mathematics (indexed by Scopus, Web of Science)
  • Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Recent Communications in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability & Associated Areas” of journal Reliability: Theory and Applications (indexed by Scopus)
  • Guest Editor (jointly with Prof M. V. Koutras) for the Edited Book entitled “Distribution-free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control” (Springer)
  • Guest Editor (jointly with Prof M. Ram) for the Edited Book entitled “Statistical Modeling of Reliability Structures and Industrial Processes” (CRC Press by Taylor & Francis Group)
  • Member of Scientific Committee of 33rd Panhellenic Statistical Conference Larissa, Greece, May 2021.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of 32ου Panhellenic Statistical Conference Ioannina, Greece, May 2019.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of 31ου Panhellenic Statistical Conference Lamia, Greece, May 2018.
  • Member of Organizing Committee of 31ου Panhellenic Statistical Conference Lamia, Greece, May 2018.
  • Member of Organizing Committee of European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS 2010), Piraeus, Greece, August 17-22, 2010.

Synopsis of teaching experience

Universities 8
Undergraduate courses 20
Postgraduate courses 13
Academic teaching semesters 26
Supervision of M.Sc. Theses          47
Supervision of B.Sc. Theses 18
Books  1

Indicative list of undergraduate/postgraduate courses

  • Probability and Elementary Statistics, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
  • Biostatistics, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
  • Statistical Quality Control and Reliability Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
  • Simulation methods, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly.
  • Statistics Ι, Department of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece.
  • Statistics ΙΙ, Department of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece.
  • Special Topics in Statistics, Department of Regional Economic Development, University of Central Greece.
  • Statistics ΙΙΙ, Department of Sociology, Panteion University.
  • Statistics , Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus.
  • An Introduction to Statistics , Department of Marketing, Τ.Ε.Ι of Athens.
  • Biometrics-Biostatistics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Τ.Ε.Ι of Athens.
  • Statistics and applications Ι, Department of Economics and Ecology, Harokopio University.
  • Business Statistics, Department of Business Administration, Τ.Ε.Ι of Piraeus.
  • Biometrics, Department of Public Health, T.E.I. of Athens.
  • Business Statistics, Department of Tourism Business Administration, Τ.Ε.Ι of Athens.
  • Statistical Methods, M.Sc. in Informatics and Computational Biomedicine, University of Thessaly.
  • Advances Tools & Methods for Quality Control, M.Sc. in Quality Technology and Management, Hellenic Open University.
  • Quantitative Methods, M.Sc. in Business Administration, T.E.I. of Piraeus.
  • Probability and Statistics, M.Sc. in Informatics, University of Piraeus.
  • Mathematical Methods in Informatics, M.Sc. in Advanced Informatics & Computing Systems, University of Piraeus.
  • Ι. Publications in International scientific journalsJ.37 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the closure of aging classes under the formation of coherent structures, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering28(6), 2140002 (10 pages). (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)J.36 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Chalikias, M. (2021). On reliability structures with two common failure criteria under age-based maintenance policy, Reliability: Theory & Applications Journal64, 27-34. (indexed by Scopus)J.35 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Ram, M. (2021). Distribution-free CUSUM-type control charts for monitoring process location and scale: an overview and some results, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences6(4), 975-1008. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)J.34 Chalikias, M., Triantafyllou, I. S., Skordoulis, M., Kallivokas, D. & Lalou, P. (2021). Stocks’ data mathematical modeling using differential equations: the case of healthcare companies in Athens Stock Exchange, Reliability: Theory & Applications Journal64, 5-14. (indexed by Scopus)J.33 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Ram, M. (2021). Nonparametric EWMA-type control charts for monitoring process location and scale: an overview and some results, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences6(3), 708-751. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.32 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Panayiotou, N. (2021).  A new distribution-free monitoring scheme based on ranks, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, DOI 10.1080/03610918.2020.1804584. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.31 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Reliability study of <n,f,2> systems: a generating function approach, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences6(1), 44-65. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.30 Yeganeh, A., Shadman, A., Triantafyllou, I. S., Shongwe, S. C. & Abbasi, S. A. (2021). Run rules-based EWMA charts for efficient monitoring of profile parametersIEEE Access, 9, 38503-38521. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.29 Tyagi, V., Ram, M., Arora, R. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Copula-based measures of repairable parallel systems with fault coverage, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 6(1), 322-344. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.28 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021).  Wilcoxon-type rank sum control charts based on progressively censored reference data, Communication in Statistics-Theory and methods50, 311-328. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.27 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the lifetime and signature of the constrained (k,d) out-of-n:reliability systems, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences6(1), 66-78. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.26 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F structures with a single change point, Mathematics8, 2203. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.25 Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). Wilcoxon-type rank-sum statistics for selecting the best population: some advances, Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry36, 696-715. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.24 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). On the consecutive k1– and k2-out-of-reliability systems, Mathematics8, 630. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.23 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Panayiotou, N. (2020). Distribution-free monitoring schemes based on order statistics: a general approach, Journal of Applied Statistics47, 2230-2257. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.22 Tsolaki, V., Zarogiannis, S., Zygoulis, P., Kalomenidis, I., Rajesh, J., Makris, D., Daniil, Z., Magkouta, S., Triantafyllou, I. S., Papanikolaou, I., Gourgoulianis, K. I. & Zakynthinos, E. (2020). Malignant mesothelioma cells secrete natriuretic peptides: preliminary data on diagnostic clinical implications, Respirology25, 1060-1066. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.21 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2019).  Α new distribution-free control scheme based on order statistics, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics31, 1-30. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.20 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2019). Bivariate copulas-based models for communication networks, Journal of Computations & Modelling9, 63-74. (indexed by Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek)

    J.19 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018).  Nonparametric control charts based on order statistics: some advances, Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation47, 2684-2702. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.18 Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018).  A general class of nonparametric control charts, Quality and Reliability Engineering International34, 427-435. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.17 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Panayiotou, N. (2018). A simulation-study of distribution-free Phase II control charts: advances and applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics8, 83-97. (indexed by Zentralblatt Math)

    J.16 Koutras, M.V., Triantafyllou, I. S. & Eryilmaz, S. (2016). Stochastic comparisons between lifetimes of reliability systems with exchangeable components, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability18, 1081-1095. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.15 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2016). A Multivariate Statistical Research on Engagement of University Students: A Case Study in Greece, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics5, 94-100. (indexed by Zentralblatt Math)

    J.14 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2016). Off-Line Quality Control in Bioproducts Processing: A Case Study in Greece, Open Journal of Statistics6, 229-238. (indexed by Zeitschriftendatenbank)

    J.13 Eryilmaz, S., Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2016). Mixed three-state k-out-of-n systems with components entering at different performance levels, IEEE Transactions on Reliability65, 969-972. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.12 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2016). Reliability modeling of multistate systems: advances and applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics6, 65-79. (indexed by Zentralblatt Math)

    J.11 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2015). Consecutive-type reliability systems: an overview and some applications, Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering2015, Article ID 212303, 20 pages. (indexed by Scopus)

    J.10 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2015). Run and Scan Statistics Models and their applications in transposition systems and networks, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics5, 139-154. (indexed by Zentralblatt Math)

    J.9 Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2014). Reliability properties of  systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability63, 357-366. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.8 Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2014). Failure rate and aging properties of generalized beta- and gamma- generated distributions, Communication in Statistics-Theory and methods434046-4061. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.7 Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2011). Signature and IFR preservation of 2- within-consecutive-k-out-of-nF systems and applications, IEEE Transactions on Reliability60, 315-322(indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.6 Eryilmaz, S., Koutras, M.V. & Triantafyllou, I.S. (2011). Signature based analysis of m-consecutive k-out-of-nF systems with exchangeable components, Naval Research Logistics58, 344-354. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.5 Balakrishnan, N., Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2010). A distribution-free control chart based on order statistics, Communication in Statistics-Theory and methods39, 3652-3677. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.4 Balakrishnan, N., Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2009). Nonparametric control charts based on runs and Wilcoxon-type rank-sum statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference139, 3177-3192. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.3 Triantafyllou, I.S. & Koutras, M.V. (2008). On the signature of coherent systems and applications, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Science22, 19-35. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math)

    J.2 Tsatsaris, A., Iliopoulos, D., Baldoukas, A., Dontas, I., Triantafyllou, D., Berketis, N. & Triantafyllou, I.S. (2006). Effect of experimental stenosis on the vibration of the aortic wall, Vascular Disease Prevention3, 11-14. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    J.1 Tsatsaris, A., Iliopoulos, D., Baldoukas, A., Berketis, N.M., Triantafyllou, I.S. & Triantafyllou D. (2004). A minor experimental stenosis in porcine descending thoratic aorta affects the spectral content of pressure pulse wave, Artificial Organs28, 1102-1105. (indexed by Web of Science, Scopus)

    ΙΙ. Publications in International Edited Volumes (Book Chapters)

    BC.14. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the optimization of the cost rate of coherent reliability structures under replacement policy, In Operations Research: Methods, Techniques, and Advancements (Eds. A. Kumar & M. Ram), CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, accepted for publication.

    BC.13. Karitis, K., Gallos, P., Triantafyllou, I. S. & Plagianakos, V. (2021). Chios hospital information system assessment, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (Eds. J. Delgado, A. Benis, P. de Toledo, P. Gallos, M. Giacomini, A. Martinez-Garcia & D. Salvi), IOS Press (Book Series), 287, 158-162.

    BC.12. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the lifetime of <n,f,k> reliability systems, In Statistical Modeling of Reliability Structures and Industrial Processes (Eds. I. S. Triantafyllou & M. Ram), CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, accepted for publication.

    BC.11. Triantafyllou, I. S. & Ram, M. (2021). On the reliability structures with two common failure criteria and a single change point, In Mathematics for Reliability Engineering: Modern Concepts and Applications (Eds. M. Ram & L. Xing), De Gruyteraccepted for publication.

    BC.10. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Signature-based reliability study of r-within-consecutive-k-out-of-n:F systems, In Safety and Reliability Modeling and Its Applications (Eds. H. Pham & M. Ram), Elsevier, Chapter 14, ISBN: 9780128233238.

    BC.9. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the bivariate modelling of reliability systems: some advances. In Systems Reliability Engineering: Modeling and Performance Improvement (Eds. A. Kumar & M. Ram), De Gruyter, 43-60, DOI: 10.1515/9783110617375-003.

    BC.8. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). Simulation-based comparative analysis of nonparametric control charts with runs-rules, In Control Charts (Ed. P. A. R. Pereira), InTechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.91040.

    BC.7. Triantafyllou, I. S. & Panayiotou, N. (2020). Distribution-free Phase II control charts based on order statistics with runs-rules. In Distribution-free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control (Eds. M. V. Koutras & I. S. Triantafyllou), Springer, 219-241.

    BC.6. Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). Recent advances on univariate Shewhart type distribution free control charts. In Distribution-free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control (Eds. M. V. Koutras & I. S. Triantafyllou), Springer, 1-56.

    BC.5. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018). Bivariate copulas-based models for communication networks, In Cryptography, Cyber-Security and Information Warfare (Ed. N. Daras), Nova Publishers.

    BC.4. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018). A new distribution-free reliability monitoring scheme: advances and applications in Engineering. In Modeling and Simulation Based Analysis in Reliability Engineering (Ed. M. Ram), CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, 199-213.

    BC.3 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2015). Reliability study of military operations: methods and applications. In Military Logistics: Research advances & future trends (Eds. V. Zeimpekis et al.), Operations Research and Computer Science Interfaces Series, 56Springer­­159-170.

    BC.2 Koutras, M.V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2014). Reliability analysis of coherent systems with exchangeable components”, In Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Science and Engineering  (Editor I. Daras), Optimization and its Applications Series, 91Springer, 321-332.

    BC.1 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M.V. (2008). On the signature of coherent systems and applications for consecutive k-out-of-n : F systems. In Advances in Mathematical Modeling Reliability (Eds. T. Bedford et al.), IOS Press, 119-128.

    ΙΙI. International Scientific Conferences

    IC.22 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the Importance Measures of consecutive-type reliability systems: some advances, 5th International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications (ICMTEA 2021), India.

    IC.21 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2020). On the closure of aging classes under the formation of coherent structures, 4th International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications (ICMTEA 2020), India.

    IC.20 Kostikidis, G., Gallos, P., Triantafyllou, I. S. & Plagianakos, V. (2020). Citizens’ Opinions About a Digital Health Insurance Record, EFMI STC 2020, e-conference.

    IC.19 Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018). Wilcoxon-type rank-sum statistics for selecting the best population: some advances, International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS 2018), Piraeus.

    IC.18 Koutras, M. V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2018). Compound sooner waiting time problems in multistate trials, 5th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA 2018), Chania.

    IC.17 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Panayiotou, N. (2017). A simulation study of distribution-free Phase II control charts: advances and applications, 4th International Conference on Operational Planning, Technological Innovations and Mathematical Applications, Athens.

    IC.16 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2017). Compound scan statistics based on phase-type distributions: advances and applications, 4th International Conference on Operational Planning, Technological Innovations and Mathematical Applications, Athens.

    IC.15 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2016). A modified Wilcoxon-type rank-sum control chart, 12th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data, Piraeus.

    IC.14 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2016). Bivariate copulas-based models for communication networks, 3rd International Conference on Cryptography, Cyber Security and Information Warfare, Athens.

    IC.13 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2015). Reliability modeling of multistate systems: advances and applications, 3rd International Conference on Technology Trends and Scientific Applications in Artillery and other Military Science, Nea Peramos.

    IC.12 Triantafyllou, I. S., Koutras, M. V. & Eryilmaz, S. (2015). Three-state systems composed of mixed components, 16th Conference of ASMDA Society, Piraeus.

    IC.11 Triantafyllou, I. S., Koutras, M. V. & Eryilmaz, S. (2014). Stochastic comparisons between reliability systems with exchangeable components, 7th International Workshop on Applied Probability, Antalya.

    IC.10 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2014). Run and Scan Statistics models and their applications in transposition systems and networks, 2nd International Conference on Cryptography, Network Security and Applications in the Armed Forces, Athens.

    IC.9 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2013). A quantitative study on measuring customer  satisfaction in Greek banking industry, 3rd International Conference on Quantitative and Qualitative Methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences, Athens.

    IC.8 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2013). Signature based analysis of combined k-out-of-n and consecutive k C-out-of-systems, 2nd International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and  Informatics in Military Sciences, Athens.

    IC.7 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2013). On the Wilcoxon-type rank sum control charts: extensions and application, 3rd International Symposium on Statistical Process Control, Piraeus.

    IC.6 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2010). Reliability properties of m-consecutive k-out-of-nF systems with exchangeable components, 28th European Meeting of Statisticians, Piraeus.

    IC.5 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2009). On the signature of coherent systems, 27th European Meeting of Statisticians, France.

    IC.4 Koutras, M. V., Balakrishnan, N. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2009). Nonparametric control charts based on run statistics, Annual Meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Vancouver.

    IC.3 Balakrishnan, N., Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2008). A nonparametric control chart based on Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic, 8th Conference of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, Athens.

    IC.2 Balakrishnan, N., Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2008). A new control chart based on order statistics, 3rd International Workshop in Applied Probability, France.

    IC.1 Triantafyllou, I. S. & Koutras, M. V. (2008). On the signature of coherent systems and applications for consecutive k-out-of-nF systems, 5th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, UK.

    ΙV. Panhellenic Scientific Conferences 

    ΠΣ.17 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. (2021). Μη παραμετρικό διάγραμμα ελέγχου προηγήσεων με προοδευτικά επικαιροποιημένο δείγμα Φάσης Ι για μοντέλο αλλαγής σημείου, 33ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής.

    ΠΣ.16 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. (2018). Ελεύθερα κατανομής διαγράμματα ελέγχου Φάσης ΙΙ με χρήση διατεταγμένων παρατηρήσεων, 31ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Λαμία.

    ΠΣ.15 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Ρούνη, Π. (2018). Μελέτη μονότονων συστημάτων αξιοπιστίας με χρήση Μεθόδων Προσομοίωσης, 31ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Λαμία.

    ΠΣ.14 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Παναγιώτου, N. (2018). Μελέτη μη παραμετρικών διαγραμμάτων ελέγχου με χρήση Μεθόδων Προσομοίωσης, 31ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Λαμία.

    ΠΣ.13 Καραγιάννη, Β., Μπαμπάτσικου, Φ., Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Μπριτζάκη, Α., Τρυφωνίδης, Α., Δαβιδέλης, Α., Καλιμάνη, Ι., Χαλκιάς, Α. & Κουτής, Χ. (2013).  Διατροφικές συνήθειες αγροτών-μεταναστών στην περιοχή των Μεγάρων Αττικής, 9ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο για τη Διοίκηση, τα Οικονομικά και τις Πολιτικές της Υγείας, Αθήνα.

    ΠΣ.12 Μπαμπάτσικου, Φ., Καραγιάννη, Β. Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Μπριτζάκη, Α., Τρυφωνίδης, Α., Δαβιδέλης, Α., Καλιμάνη, Ι. & Κουτής, Χ. (2013). Συνθήκες Υγιεινής & Ασφάλειας αγροτών της περιοχής των Μεγάρων Αττικής, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο του Φόρουμ Δημόσιας Υγείας & Κοινωνικής Ιατρικής, Αθήνα.

    ΠΣ.11 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. (2013). Συστήματα συνεχόμενα k-από-τα-n : F και γενικεύσεις τους: μία ανασκόπηση των πρόσφατων ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων, 26ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Πειραιάς.

    ΠΣ.10 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. (2013). Διαγράμματα ελέγχου Φάσης ΙΙ με χρήση βαθμολογικών συναρτήσεων τύπου Wilcoxon: γενικεύσεις και εφαρμογές, 26ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Πειραιάς.

    ΠΣ.9 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2012). Το σύστημα , 25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Βόλος.

    ΠΣ.8 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2012). Ρυθμός αποτυχίας και ιδιότητες γήρανσης δύο γενικευμένων οικογενειών κατανομών, 25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Βόλος.

    ΠΣ.7 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2011). Μελέτη ιδιοτήτων μιας γενικής κλάσης τυχαίων μεταβλητών που σχετίζονται με κατανομές διατεταγμένων παρατηρήσεων, 24ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Πάτρα.

    ΠΣ.6 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2010). Διατήρηση ιδιοτήτων γήρανσης κατά το σχηματισμό μονότονων συστημάτων, 23ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Βέροια.

    ΠΣ.5 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Κούτρας, Μ. Β. & Balakrishnan, N. (2010). Μη παραμετρικά διαγράμματα ελέγχου με χρήση βαθμολογικών συναρτήσεων: Εφαρμογές στην κοινωνική έρευνα, 23ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Βέροια.

    ΠΣ.4 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2009). Το σύστημα m-συνεχόμενο-k-από-τα-n : F , 22ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Χανιά.

    ΠΣ.3 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ., Κούτρας, Μ. Β. & Balakrishnan, N. (2008). Μη παραμετρικά διαγράμματα ελέγχου με χρήση ροών, 21ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Σάμος.

    ΠΣ.2 Κούτρας, Μ. Β., Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Balakrishnan, N. (2007). Ένα μη παραμετρικό διάγραμμα ελέγχου με χρήση διατεταγμένων παρατηρήσεων, 20ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Κύπρος.

    ΠΣ.1 Τριανταφύλλου, Ι. Σ. & Κούτρας, Μ. Β. (2005). Η υπογραφή ενός μονότονου συστήματος, 18ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Στατιστικής, Ρόδος.

    V. Serve as referee in the following journals

    1. Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society)
    2. Journal of Multivariate Analysis (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    3. Naval Research Logistics (εκδοτικός οίκος Wiley)
    4. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    5. Applied Probability Journals (Cambridge University Press)
    6. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    7. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (εκδοτικός οίκος Springer)
    8. Applied Stochastic Models in Businesses and Industry (εκδοτικός οίκος Wiley)
    9. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (εκδοτικός οίκος Taylor & Francis)
    10. Applied Mathematical Modelling (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    11. Reliability Engineering and System Safety  (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    12. Statistics in Medicine (εκδοτικός οίκος Taylor & Francis)
    13. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (εκδοτικός οίκος Taylor & Francis)
    14. IEEE Transactions on Reliability (εκδοτικός οίκος IEEE)
    15. Quality & Reliability Engineering International (εκδοτικός οίκος Wiley)
    16. Computers and Industrial Engineering (εκδοτικός οίκος Elsevier)
    17. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (εκδοτικός οίκος Wiley)
    18. Mathematics, (εκδοτικός οίκος MDPI)
    19. International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (εκδοτικός οίκος Springer)
    20. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (εκδοτικός οίκος Springer)
    21. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science (εκδοτικός οίκος Springer)
    22. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (εκδοτικός οίκος Springer)
    23. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 
    24. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (εκδοτικός οίκος IEEE)
    25. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management (εκδοτικός οίκος Emerald)
    26.  Symmetry, (εκδοτικός οίκος MDPI)
    27.  Operations Research and Decisions
    28. Applied Sciences, (εκδοτικός οίκος MDPI)
    29. PLOS ONE (εκδοτικός οίκος Public Library of Science)
    30. ISTATISTIK, Journal of Turkish Statistical Association
    31. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (εκδοτικός οίκος Dixie W  Publishing Corporation)
    32. IEEE Access (εκδοτικός οίκος IEEE)
    33. Plants (εκδοτικός οίκος MDPI)
    34. International Journal of Systems Science and Applied Mathematics (εκδοτικός οίκος SciencePG)

  • VI. Research papers under review/preparationP.6. Mukherjee, A. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). An Assessment of the Effect of Sequentially Updating Phase-I Sample in the Distribution-free Shewhart-type Precedence Scheme, submitted.P.5. Lalou, P. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Complex potentials and integral equations for thermoelasticity problem of orthotropic cracked plate, submitted.P.4 Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the combined m-consecutive-k-out-of-nF & consecutive kc-out-of-nreliability system: some advances, submitted.P.3. Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). On the Importance Measures of Markov chain Imbeddable reliability systems: some advances, submitted.P.2. Koutras, M.V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Compound sooner waiting time problems in multistate trials, under preparation.

    P.1. Drakopoulos, V. & Triantafyllou, I. S. (2021). Nonparametric Statistical Process Control based on fractals: a new perspective, under preparation.

F. Georgiakodis & Ioannis S. Triantafyllou (2011). Elements of Probability and Statistics in Computer Science (in Greek), Αθ. Σταμούλης, Athens.