Quality Assurance Unit

Quality Assurance Unit


The Quality Assurance Unit of the University of Piraeus is the central coordinating body of all processes and individual quality assurance and evaluation procedures of the Academic Units and the Institution.

To this end, it cooperates with the Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, which has undertaken the responsibility to support and implement the evaluation and accreditation procedures of Higher Education Institutions at a national level. In this context, the Quality Assurance Unit promotes standards, models and guidelines in accordance with the specifications of the European Higher Education Area and the national interest, setting as its main objective the development of a uniform framework for quality assurance of education and research in higher education institutions. It is noted that the cooperation between the Quality Assurance Units of Higher Education Institutions and the Quality Assurance Unit lays the foundations for the continuous development and improvement not only of the National Higher Education Area but also of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Each institution is responsible for ensuring and continuously improving the quality of its educational and research work, as well as for the effective operation and performance of its services in accordance with international practices, in particular, those of the European Higher Education Area and the principles and guidelines of the Quality Assurance and Certification Authority for Higher Education (HQA) (Law 4009, article 14, paragraph 1).

For all of the above, a “Quality Assurance Unit” is established in each higher education institution by the decision of the relevant higher collective body for the coordination and support of the institution’s evaluation procedures. The Quality Assurance Unit chaired by the Vice-Rector or the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the institution concerned shall assemble and its composition shall include three members of the Teaching-Research or Teaching Staff, one common representative of undergraduate students and one representative of postgraduate students, appointed by the respective institutions. The organisation, operation and responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Unit are determined by the decision of the relevant higher collective body of each institution (Law 3374, article 2, paragraph 4).

A more detailed description of the responsibilities of the University of Piraeus Quality Assurance Unit can be found at the following link: