

1. The Board of Directors has the responsibilities as provisioned by Law N.4957/2022 and any other responsibilities provided by the internal regulations of the Higher Educational Institution, provided that they have not been assigned by law to other bodies of the Higher Educational Institution. In particular, the Board of Management exercises the following responsibilities:

a) Approves, after the recommendation of the Rector and the opinion of the Senate, the four-year strategic plan of the Higher Educational Institution, which shall include, as a minimum, the strategy for the development of the Higher Educational Institution at local, national, European and international level, in accordance with its specific character and the framework of its mission in the following areas: academic and research policy, lifelong learning and education, strengthening extroversion and internationalisation of the institution, strengthening its links with society and the economy, development of innovation within the Higher Educational Institution and upgrading the quality of the academic environment of the Higher Educational Institution.

b) Approves, upon the recommendation of the Rector, the programmatic agreements of Article 15 of the law. 4653/2020 (A’ 12) with the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, which are concluded upon the Rector’s proposal.

c) Approves, upon the recommendation of the Rector and the Executive Director, the initial summary and detailed annual budget of the Higher Educational Institution (regular budget, public investment budget and own resources), its revisions, as well as the report of the Higher Educational Institution, which is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. In particular, the adjustments to the regular budget that concern the transfer of resources from any expenditure code provided that the amount of such transfers does not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the regular budget, as well as the adjustments concerning the public investment budget and the allocation of extraordinary grants to the regular budget, shall be carried out by decision of the Board of Directors without requiring the approval of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs.

d) Approves, following the recommendation of the Research Committee, the initial summary and detailed budget of the Special Account for Research Funds (UPRC) of the Higher Educational Institution, its report, financial statements and results of its use.

2. By decision of the Board of Directors the responsibilities of paragraphs g’, h’, i’, j’ and m’ of paragraph 1. 1 may be delegated to the Rector of the Higher Educational Institution or the competent Vice Rector, provided that the respective area of responsibility has been assigned to him/her.