User and Server Identity Certificates
11 February 2024 2024-02-11 14:27User and Server Identity Certificates

It is possible to issue a digital server certificate and a type B digital user identity certificate, signed by the Sectigo certification authority, with which GRNET cooperates.
In the field that appears, write in Greek characters the phrase University of Piraeus and press the “Start single sign-on” button. The user is authenticated through the CAS Server (Central Authentication Service) of the University, using the details of the institutional account. The instructions provided on the Sectigo website are then followed. In the case of issuing a digital server certificate, you can contact the University’s Network Management Centre ( to have the digital certificate generated by the Sectigo certification authority.
In addition, the Public Key Infrastructure “Hellenic Academic & Research Institutions Certification Authority – (HARICA)” is a trusted third-party entity that certifies the user identity of Academic Institutions and Research Institutions in Greece. From there it is possible to issue digital user certificates of type B. The HARICA certification authority is available here. Instructions for issuing HARICA certificates can be found here.
The HARICA certification authority is available here.
Instructions for issuing HARICA certificates can be found here.