Wi-fi and Eduroam
11 February 2024 2024-02-11 17:08Wi-fi and Eduroam

The premises of the University are covered by a free wireless wi-fi network (ssid: unipi), to which anyone can connect and use.
For authorized users, it is also possible to access the international academic network Eduroam (www.eduroam.gr), through which users from the global academic community have the possibility to remotely and securely use the services provided by their academic institution. On the page https://www.eduroam.org/where/ you can see the countries participating in the Eduroam network.
To configure a device to access network services through the Eduroam network (ssid: unipi), it is necessary to install software according to the device’s operating system. Please visit https://cat.eduroam.org/?idp=1958 and select your device’s operating system from the list of available platforms, following the instructions provided in the corresponding help button. Caution! The access details are the ones you use to log in to the University’s services, but in the username you will fill in your entire institutional account, i.e. @unipi.gr.