20 Ιανουαρίου 2024 2024-02-14 13:57
- 20 Ιανουαρίου, 2024
- 8:26 πμ
Ερευνητική Πολιτική
Η ερευνητική πολιτική του Τμήματος συναρτάται με τους στόχους αυτού και καθορίζεται από την ερευνητική δραστηριότητα των μελών ΔΕΠ. Για το σκοπό αυτό έχουν ιδρυθεί και λειτουργούν τα εργαστήρια του Τμήματος, τα οποία, παράλληλα με τις δραστηριότητες βασικής και εφαρμοσμένης έρευνας, εξυπηρετούν και τις εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες του προπτυχιακού και μεταπτυχιακού κύκλου σπουδών.
Στο πλαίσιο των ερευνητικών του δραστηριοτήτων, το Τμήμα υποστηρίζει: (α) την προώθηση των σύγχρονων επιστημονικών και τεχνολογικών τάσεων, (β) τη διεπιστημονικότητα και τη συνεργασία με άλλους ερευνητικούς φορείς, (γ) την καλύτερη εκπαίδευση των προπτυχιακών και μεταπτυχιακών φοιτητών/τριών και (δ) την ενίσχυση της σύνδεσής του με τη βιομηχανία και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον.
Οι δραστηριότητες του Τμήματος καλύπτουν ένα σχετικά ευρύ φάσμα ερευνητικών περιοχών όπως:
- Τεχνικές βιομηχανικών συστημάτων, περιλαμβανομένων υπολογιστικών τεχνικών και μεθόδων ταχείας ανάπτυξης προϊόντων
- Ρομποτικά συστήματα παραγωγής και αυτόματος έλεγχος
- Μαθηματικός προγραμματισμός στην παραγωγή
- Τεχνολογία υλικών – βιομηχανικές εφαρμογές, σχεδιασμός & ανάπτυξη νέων προϊόντων
- Προηγμένες τεχνολογίες κατασκευής προϊόντων και συστήματα σχεδιασμού και παραγωγής με Η/Υ
- Σχεδιασμός προϊόντων χημικής τεχνολογίας και βιοτεχνολογίας
- Βιομηχανικές διεργασίες και διαχείριση φυσικών πόρων
- Πληροφορική, πληροφοριακά συστήματα και ήπιες υπολογιστικές τεχνικές
- Συστήματα διακίνησης & διανομής προϊόντων και διοίκηση προμηθειών
- Τεχνοοικονομική ενεργειακών συστημάτων
- Εταιρική στρατηγική
- Χρηματοοικονομική διοίκηση
Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση έχει δοθεί τα τελευταία έτη στην προαγωγή της έρευνας σε σύγχρονους τομείς όπως:
- Σχεδιασμός & ανάπτυξη προϊόντων: τεχνολογίες προσθετικής μορφοποίησης, οικολογικός σχεδιασμός, μηχανική ανάλυση προηγμένων υλικών/κατασκευών, ψηφιακή μοντελοποίηση/πρωτοτυποποίηση
- Νανοτεχνολογία: νανοδομημένα υλικά και νανοδιατάξεις, παραγωγή και προτυποποίηση αυτών, κατασκευή τρισδιάστατων ιατρικών μικροδομών
- Προηγμένα ενεργειακά συστήματα και διαχείριση της ενέργειας: τεχνοοικονομική ανάλυση, κλιματική αλλαγή και βιωσιμότητα, μηχανισμοί αγοράς ενέργειας, ευφυή δίκτυα
- Περιβαλλοντική διαχείριση: προηγμένα συστήματα προστασίας περιβάλλοντος, δίκτυα περιβαλλοντικής παρακολούθησης, εκτίμηση περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων, διαχείριση φυσικών πόρων, ανακύκλωση, αξιοποίηση αποβλήτων
- Διαχείριση έργων: ευφυείς τεχνικές χρονικού προγραμματισμού και διάθεσης πόρων με περιορισμούς, διοίκηση επικινδυνότητας έργων
- Ρομποτική και μηχατρονική: ρομποτική όραση και πλοήγηση αυτόνομων συστημάτων, δυναμικές ιδιότητες βέλτιστων γεωμετριών αρθρωτών ρομπότ, ανθρώπινη μοντελοποίηση για κίνηση σε υπολογιστή
- Logistics: συστήματα ERP, green logistics, ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας, έξυπνες ψηφιακές αλυσίδες, βιώσιμα logistics, ανθρωπιστική εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα
- Παραγωγικά συστήματα: εφαρμογή αναλυτικών μεθόδων στη βιομηχανία για την αναγνώριση/πρόβλεψη διαταραχών στην παραγωγή και την υποστήριξη αποφάσεων για την αντιμετώπισή τους
- Συστήματα υποστήριξης απόφασης: ασαφή δίκτυα, νευρονικά δίκτυα, ασφάλεια δεδομένων
- Εταιρική στρατηγική και διοίκηση: αμφιδέξιες στρατηγικές σε ραγδαίως μεταβαλλόμενους κλάδους, στρατηγικές διαχείρισης γνώσης και ανάπτυξης καινοτομίας, απόδοση και δυναμική ομάδων, μοντέλα πολύ-επίπεδης ανάλυσης.
- Εταιρική χρηματοοικονομική: επενδύσεις, ενεργειακή και περιβαλλοντική χρηματοοικονομική, αξιολόγηση επενδύσεων
Ενδεικτικές δημοσιεύσεις σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά κατά την περίοδο 2018 – 2023
- Bozionelos, N., Mukhuty, S., Kostopoulos, K.C., Bozionelos, G. and Blenkinsopp, J., 2023. Civilian volunteers in United Nations hot spots: what makes them intend to apply for yet another mission?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(12), pp.2516-2545.
- Gennitsaris, S., Oliveira, M.C., Vris, G., Bofilios, A., Ntinou, T., Frutuoso, A.R., Queiroga, C., Giannatsis, J., Sofianopoulou, S. and Dedoussis, V., 2023. Energy Efficiency Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Current Situation, Case Studies and Best Practices. Sustainability, 15(4), p.3727.
- Karna, M., Kakalis, C., Chatzidai, N., Kousiatza, C., Tambouratzis, T. and Karalekas, D., 2023. A combined experimental and artificial neural networks study of distortion in 3D printed beam specimens. Materials Today: Proceedings.
- Keil, T., Syrigos, E., Kostopoulos, K.C., D. Meissner, F. and G. Audia, P., 2023. (In) Consistent Performance Feedback and the Locus of Search. Journal of Management, p.01492063231185519.
- Klossa, C.M., Chatzidai, N. and Karalekas, D., 2023. Tensile properties of 3D printed carbon fiber reinforced nylon specimens. Materials Today: Proceedings.
- Kostopoulos, K., Syrigos, E. and Kuusela, P., 2023. Responding to inconsistent performance feedback on multiple goals: the contingency role of decision maker’s status in introducing changes. Long Range Planning, 56(1), p.102269.
- Michas, S. and Flamos, A., 2023. Are there preferable capacity combinations of renewables and storage? Exploratory quantifications along various technology deployment pathways. Energy Policy, 174, p.113455.
- Orfanidou, V.S., Rachaniotis, N.P., Tsoulfas, G.T. and Chondrokoukis, G.P., 2023. Life Cycle Costing Implementation in Green Public Procurement: A Case Study from the Greek Public Sector. Sustainability, 15(3), p.2817.
- Papachristos, V., Antonopoulos, C., Rachaniotis, N.P., Spontas, D. and Dasaklis, T.K., 2023. The Potential of ICT Adoption in Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains: Evidence from Greek Logistics Firms. Sustainability, 15(22), p.15854.
- Pietrapertosa, F., Olazabal, M., Simoes, S.G., Salvia, M., Fokaides, P.A., Ioannou, B.I., Viguié, V., Spyridaki, N.A., Hurtado, S.D.G., Geneletti, D. and Heidrich, O., 2023. Adaptation to climate change in cities of Mediterranean Europe. Cities, 140, p.104452.
- Psychoyios, D., 2023. Income growth, forecasting and stock valuation. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, p.dpad018.
- Reckien, D., Buzasi, A., Olazabal, M., Spyridaki, N.A., Eckersley, P., Simoes, S.G., Salvia, M., Pietrapertosa, F., Fokaides, P., Goonesekera, S.M. and Tardieu, L., 2023. Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time. npj Urban Sustainability, 3(1), p.13.
- Tzani, D., Exintaveloni, D.S., Stavrakas, V. and Flamos, A., 2023. Devising policy strategies for the deployment of energy efficiency Pay-for-Performance programmes in the European Union. Energy Policy, 178, p.113593.
Bilalis, L., Canellidis, V., Papatheodorou, T. and Giannatsis, J., 2022. Direct Digital Manufacturing of a Customized Face Mask. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 6(5), p.126.
Bozionelos, N., Mukhuty, S., Kostopoulos, K.C., Bozionelos, G. and Blenkinsopp, J., 2022. Civilian volunteers in United Nations hot spots: what makes them intend to apply for yet another mission?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-30.
Eirinakis, P. and Koronakos, G., 2022. A mathematical programming approach for optimizing on-specs production for industrial processes under input uncertainty. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), pp.2822-2827.
Eirinakis, P., Lounis, S., Plitsos, S., Arampatzis, G., Kalaboukas, K., Kenda, K., Lu, J., Rožanec, J.M. and Stojanovic, N., 2022. Cognitive Digital Twins for Resilience in Production: A Conceptual Framework. Information, 13(1), p.33.
Eirinakis, P., Mourtos, I. and Zampou, E., 2022. Random Serial Dictatorship for horizontal collaboration in logistics. Omega, 111, p.102662.
Kitsou, S.P., Koutsoukis, N.S., Chountalas, P. and Rachaniotis, N.P., 2022. International Passenger Traffic at the Hellenic Airports: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Mid-Term Forecasting. Aerospace, 9(3), p.143.
Kostopoulos, K., Syrigos, E. and Kuusela, P., 2022. Responding to Inconsistent Performance Feedback on Multiple Goals: The Contingency Role of Decision Maker’s Status in Introducing Changes. Long Range Planning, p.102269.
Rachaniotis, N.P., 2022. Evaluating the COVID-19 Containment Protocol in Greek Universities for the Academic Year 2021–2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), p.14363.
Rachaniotis, N.P., Dasaklis, T.K., Fotopoulos, F., Chouzouris, M., Sypsa, V., Lyberaki, A. and Tinios, P., 2022. Is mandatory vaccination in population over 60 adequate to control the COVID-19 pandemic in EU?. Vaccines, 10(2), p.329.
Spyrou-Sioula, K., Kontopoulos, I., Kaklis, D., Makris, A., Tserpes, K., Eirinakis, P. and Oikonomou, F., 2022. AIS-Enabled Weather Routing for Cargo Loss Prevention. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(11), p.1755.
Denekos, S.N., Koutsoukis, N.S., Fakiolas, E.T., Konstantopoulos, I. and Rachaniotis, N.P., 2021. Siting refugee camps in mainland Greece using geographic information systems-based multi-criteria decision-making. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 11(3), pp.457-480.
Eirinakis, P., Kasapidis, G., Mourtos, I., Repoussis, P. and Zampou, E., 2021. Situation-aware manufacturing systems for capturing and handling disruptions. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58, pp.365-383.
Giakoumakis, G., Karnaouri, A., Topakas, E. and Sidiras, D., 2021. Simulation and optimization of combined acid pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of medical cotton waste. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 11(2), pp.515-526.
Kontochristopoulos, Y., Michas, S., Kleanthis, N. and Flamos, A., 2021. Investigating the market effects of increased RES penetration with BSAM: A wholesale electricity market simulator. Energy Reports, 7, pp.4905-4929.
Orfanidou, V., Rachaniotis, N.P., Tsoulfas, G.T., 2021. Green Public Procurement: Evidence from Greece. International Journal of Procurement Management, in press doi: 10.1504/IJPM.2021.10036696.
Papatheodorou, T., Giannatsis J. and Dedoussis, V., 2021. Evaluating 3D Printers Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Applied Sciences, 11(9), p. 4209.
Rachaniotis, N.P., Dasaklis, T.K., Fotopoulos, F. and Tinios, P., 2021. A two-phase stochastic dynamic model for COVID-19 mid-term policy recommendations in Greece: a pathway towards mass vaccination. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(5), p.2497.
Rožanec, J.M., Trajkova, E., Lu, J., Sarantinoudis, N., Arampatzis, G., Eirinakis, P., Mourtos, I., Onat, M.K., Yilmaz, D.A., Košmerlj, A. and Kenda, K., 2021. Cyber-Physical LPG Debutanizer Distillation Columns: Machine-Learning-Based Soft Sensors for Product Quality Monitoring. Applied Sciences, 11(24), p.11790.
Salvia, M., Olazabal, M., Fokaides, P.A., Tardieu, L., Simoes, S.G., Geneletti, D., Hurtado, S.D.G., Viguié, V., Spyridaki, N.A., Pietrapertosa, F. and Ioannou, B.I., 2021. Climate mitigation in the Mediterranean Europe: An assessment of regional and city-level plans. Journal of Environmental Management, 295, p.113146.
Sidiras, D., Politi, D., Giakoumakis, G., Salapa, I., 2021. Simulation and optimization of organosolv based lignocellulosic biomass refinery: A review. Bioresource Technology, in press.
Süsser, D., Ceglarz, A., Gaschnig, H., Stavrakas, V., Flamos, A., Giannakidis, G. and Lilliestam, J., 2021. Model-based policymaking or policy-based modelling? How energy models and energy policy interact. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, p.101984.
Vassilakos, A., Giannatsis, J. and V. Dedoussis, V., 2021. Fabrication of Parts with Heterogeneous Structure using Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 16(3), pp. 267-290.
Casino, F., Kanakaris, V., Dasaklis, T.K., Moschuris, S., Stachtiaris, S., Pagoni, M. and Rachaniotis, N.P., 2020. Blockchain-based food supply chain traceability: a case study in the dairy sector. International Journal of Production Research, pp.1-13.
Chatzidai, N. and Karalekas, D., 2019. Experimental and numerical study on the influence of critical 3D printing processing parameters. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 13(50), pp.407-413.
Chrysagi, E., Rachaniotis, N.P., Tsoulfas, G.T. and Sarri, K.K., 2020. Ink and toner cartridges’ remanufacturing in Greece. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 23(2-4), pp.271-292.
Eirinakis, P., Magos, D. and Mourtos, I., 2020. The diameter of the stable marriage polytope: Bounding from below. Discrete Mathematics, 343(5), p.111804.
Giakoumakis, G., Karnaouri, A., Topakas, E. and Sidiras, D., 2020. Simulation and optimization of combined acid pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of medical cotton waste. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, pp.1-12.
Giannatsis, J., Vassilakos, A. and Dedoussis, V., 2020. A Heterogeneous Infill Technique for Fused Deposition Modeling. Procedia Manufacturing, 51, pp. 642-648.
Kousiatza, C. and Karalekas, D., Experimental study of fabrication‐induced residual strains and distortions in polymeric square plates built using fused deposition modeling process. Material Design & Processing Communications, p.e149.
Michas, S., Stavrakas, V., Papadelis, S. and Flamos, A., 2020. A transdisciplinary modeling framework for the participatory design of dynamic adaptive policy pathways. Energy Policy, 139, p.111350.
Nazos, A., Grammelis, P., Sakellis, E. and Sidiras, D., 2020. Acid-Catalyzed Wet Torrefaction for Enhancing the Heating Value of Barley Straw. Energies, 13(7), p.1693.
Papadopoulou, A.G., Vasileiou, G. and Flamos, A., 2020. A Comparison of Dispatchable RES Technoeconomics: Is There a Niche for Concentrated Solar Power?. Energies, 13(18), p.4768.
Politi, D. and Sidiras, D., 2020. Modified spruce sawdust for sorption of hexavalent chromium in batch systems and fixed-bed columns. Molecules, 25(21), p.5156.
Sidiras, D.K., Nazos, A.G., Giakoumakis, G.E. and Politi, D.V., 2020. Simulating the effect of torrefaction on the heating value of barley straw. Energies, 13(3), p.736.
Sidiras, D.K., and Politi D. (2019). Adsorption of Hexavalent Chromium in various water sources using modified wheat straw. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 13, pp.69-74.
Spyridaki, N.A., Stavrakas, V., Dendramis, Y. and Flamos, A., 2020. Understanding technology ownership to reveal adoption trends for energy efficiency measures in the Greek residential sector. Energy Policy, 140, p.111413.
Stavrakas, V. and Flamos, A., 2020. A modular high-resolution demand-side management model to quantify benefits of demand-flexibility in the residential sector. Energy Conversion and Management, 205, p.112339.
Stavrakas, V., Kleanthis, N. and Flamos, A., 2020. An Ex-Post Assessment of RES-E Support in Greece by Investigating the Monetary Flows and the Causal Relationships in the Electricity Market. Energies, 13(17), p.4575.
Tambouratzis, T., Giannatsis, J., Kyriazis, A. and Siotropos, P., 2020. Applying the Computational Intelligence Paradigm to Nuclear Power Plant Operation: A Review (1990-2015). International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE), 9(1), pp.27-109.
Bateh, J. and Sofianopoulou S., 2019. Organisational Growth through Operational Change, International Journal of Business Performance Management, 203, pp. 278-296.
Chatzidai, N. and Karalekas, D., 2019. Experimental and numerical study on the influence of critical 3D-printing processing parameters. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), 50, pp. 407-413.
Kotzinos, A., Psychoyios, D. and Vlastakis, N., 2019. The impact of ICT diffusion on sovereign cost of debt. International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance.
Kousiatza, Ch., Tzetzis, D. and Karalekas, D., 2019. In-situ characterization of 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composites: A methodological study using fiber Bragg grating sensors, Composites Science and Technology, 174, pp. 134-141.
Mammassis, C.S. and Kostopoulos, K.C., 2019. CEO goal orientations, environmental dynamism and organizational ambidexterity: An investigation in SMEs. European Management Journal, 37(5), pp.577-588.
Manikas, I., Malindretos, G. and Moschuris, S., 2019. A Community Based Agro-Food Hub Model for Sustainable Farming. Sustainability: Special Issue “Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-Food Chains”, 11(4), pp. 1-17, 2019.
Matthopoulos, P.P., and Sofianopoulou S, 2019, A Firefly Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 332, pp. 204-224.
Michas, S., Stavrakas, V., Spyridaki, N.A. and Flamos, A., 2019. Identifying Research Priorities for the further development and deployment of Solar Photovoltaics. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 383, pp.276-296.
Nikoleli, G.P., Siontorou, C.G., Nikolelis, M.T., Bratakou, S. and Bendos, D.K., 2019. Recent lipid membrane-based biosensing platforms. Applied Sciences, 9(9), p.1745.
Orfanos, N., Mitzelos, D., Sagani, A. and Dedoussis V., 2019. Life-cycle Environmental Performance Assessment of Electricity Generation and Transmission Systems in Greece, Renewable Energy, 139, pp. 1447-1462.
Psychoyios, D., Missiou, O. and Dergiades, T., 2019. Estimating the size of Shadow Economy with Electricity Consumption Method. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, in press.
Sagani, A., Hagidimitriou M. and Dedoussis V., 2019. Perennial Tree Pruning Biomass Waste Exploitation for Electricity Generation: The Perspective of Greece, Sustainable Energy Technologies & Assessments, 31, pp. 77-85.
Sfakianaki, E., Kakouris, A. and Siontorou, C., 2019. Critical success factors for total quality management in primary and secondary education, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, in press.
Stavrakas, V., Papadelis, S. and Flamos, A., 2019. An agent-based model to simulate technology adoption quantifying behavioural uncertainty of consumers. Applied Energy, 255, pp.113795.
Vassilakos, A., Giannatsis, J. and Dedoussis V., 2019. 3D Printing of Parts with Intra-Layer Variable Density, Key Engineering Materials, 799, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISSN 1662-9795, pp. 288-293.
Economidou, S.N. and Karalekas, D., 2018. Characterization of fused deposition modeling polymeric structures using embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors. In Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, Quantifications and Applications, Jing Zhang Yeon-Gil Jung (eds.), Elsevier (pp. 163-180).
Eirinakis, P., Magos, D. and Mourtos, I., 2018. The stable b-matching polytope revisited. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 250, pp.186-201.
Kostopoulos, K.C., Spanos, Y., Soderquist, K.E., Prastacos, G. and Vonortas, N.S., 2015. Market-, Firm-, and Project-Level Effects on the Innovation Impact of Collaborative R&D Projects. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, pp.1-20.
Markellos, R.N. and Psychoyios, D., 2018. Interest Rate Volatility and Risk Management: Evidence from CBOE Treasury Options, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 68, pp. 190-202.
Metaxas, I.N., Koulouriotis, D.E. and Emiris, D., 2018. Economic crisis and business excellence: a comparative multi case study assessment. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(4), pp.914-939
Michas, S., Stavrakas, V., Spyridaki, N.A. and Flamos, A., 2018. Identifying Research Priorities for the further development and deployment of Solar Photovoltaics. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, pp.1-21.
Nikoleli, G.P., Nikolelis, D., Siontorou, C., Nikolelis, M.T. and Karapetis, S., 2018. Potentiometric Biosensing Applications of Graphene Electrodes with Stabilized Polymer Lipid Membranes. Chemosensors, 6(3), p.25.
Nikoleli, G.-P., Nikolelis, D., Siontorou, C.G., Nikolelis M.T. and Karapetis S., 2018. The application of lipid membranes in biosensing. Membranes 8, pp.108.
Nikoleli, G.-P., Nikolelis, D., Siontorou, C.G., Karapetis, S. and Nikolelis M.T. 2018. Application of biosensors based on lipid membranes for the rapid detection of toxins. Biosensors – Basel, 8, pp.61.
Nikoleli, G.P., Nikolelis, D., Siontorou, C. and Karapetis, S., 2018. Lipid membrane nanosensors for environmental monitoring: The art, the opportunities, and the challenges. Sensors, 18(1), p.284.
Pavlis, N., Moschuris, S. and Laios, L., 2018. Supply Management Performance and Cash Conversion Cycle. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5(2), pp.107-121.
Psychoyios, D. and Dotsis, G., 2018. The Competitiveness of the European ICT Industry. Review of Economic Analysis, 10(1), pp.97-119.
Rachaniotis, N.P. and Masvoula, M, 2018. A decision tool for scheduling fleets of fuel supply vessels. Operational Research: An International Journal, pp.1-15.
Salapa, I., Topakas, E. and Sidiras, D., 2018. Simulation and optimization of barley straw organosolv pretreatment. Industrial Crops and Products, 113, pp.80-88.
Sofianopoulou, S. and Mitsopoulos, I., 2018. A review and classification of heuristic algorithms for the inventory routing problem. International Journal of Operational Research.
Ενδεικτικά ερευνητικά έργα:
- OrThOP3Dics: Topology optimization of 3D printed patient-specific spinal braces
- ENSMOV+: Evaluation, Quantification and Strengthening of the Implementation of the Policies and EM&V under Article 7 of the EED
- FACTLOG: Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries
- RENOVERTY: Home Renovation Roadmaps to Address Energy Poverty in Vulnerable Rural Districts
- SPI2MARKET: Paving the way for the adoption of the Smart Readiness Indicator into the national regulation and market of six Member States
- IAM COMPACT: Expanding Integrated Assessment Modelling
- PROSPECT+: Capacity building for cities and regions – from learning to action
- ENPOR: Actions to Mitigate Energy Poverty in the Private Rented Sector
- ENCLUDE: Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonization
- ENERGee Watch: Peer-to-peer learning in regional and local authorities to timely and accurately define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions
- TIPPING+: Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions
- INHERIT: Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive, Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage
- POLIZERO: Swiss Policy towards Zero CO2 Emissions compatible with European Decarbonisation Pathways
- MODAPTO: Modular Manufacturing and Distributive Control via Interoperable Digital Twins
- SHARE-COVID19: Non-intended health, economic and social effects of the COVID-19 epidemic control decisions: Lessons from SHARE
- Knowledge and Innovation – Community for the Blue Economy (KICS) in Piraeus
- SMEnergy: Energy footprint management for SMEs (Erasmus+)